Hi Trenton.

Hmmm that's odd. I find once I press alt enter to return from fullscreen to window, things are fine apart from the cutting off text issue I mentioned.

this is just running the Eamon.bat file by pressing enter on it in windows explorer, ---- not trying to run directly from the command prompt (I can't actually remember how to get the command prompt up anyway in windows xp, ;D).

when going to, or exiting from the main hall, ie, whenever the first main menue appears, the game goes back to running fulscreen , so it's necessary to prrress alt enter again, --- but this isn't a problem.

I've been considdering putting together an E-mail for the Eamon delux dev, requesting some vi related changes.

thus far I've got the following:

1: Ability to set the game to display text correctly in a window so as to work with hal.

2: use of greater than sign as menue marker as an alternative to the text highlighting that's currently used.

3: illimination of flashing text on first startup screen.

I know a full windows port would be nice, ---- but my feeling is the fewer changes we ask for, the more likely to get things fixed we are.

it'd be really good if we could get Eamon working though, sinse some of the games look interesting, and I like the idea of a more violent, hack and slash type of text adventure to play from time to time.

Beware the Grue!


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