Hi Bryan,
My advice is don't sweat it. Yes, math is an important part of programming but not so vital you can not do any constructive programming without math skills. The rule of thumb is this. The more math you know the more complex the program you can create. Plus you are forgetting here there are other developers out there who can help you with the math problems when you need it. For example, on the developers list Ryan Smith was having sometroubles understanding how to calculate and use distance and direction formulas. Since it is fairly easy trig for me I helped him out and now he knows a lotmore in that area than he did know before asking. Since Ryan is very young he never had basic high school Trig, Geometry, etc but he manages to get by with writing some games despite that.

Bryan Peterson wrote:
The main thing that's holding me back from trying programming is my abysmal math skills, because I've certainly got the time on my hands. Of corse I've always had problems in that area so it's ot surprising that the idea of programming seems dawnting to me. Sad, really, since I'd love to put out some games. I'd love to see an audio game in the style of Pirates! if anyone on list remembers that game. Then again maybe when I move up to Seattle, as I most likely will and possibly before the end of this year, I may try again to at least take some basic programming courses and see what develops from there.
Eeny meeny miney mo. Is Homer a hero? The answer is...no.

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