Phil sent me a copy of the review, which I paste below, followed by something that I found through someone else's eyesight as they looked at the game controller. I wrote a makeshift map of the buttons based on their description with my hands on the device. First, the review:

Phillips SGC-2909 Review

by Thomas Ward

Jan. 21, 2009

Recently there has been a lot of talk about the new Phillips SGC-2909
game pad sold in many retail stores across the U.S.A. It sells on
average for approximately $15.00 USD. As an owner of an SGC-2909 game
pad myself I can say it is a fair price for this handy little game
controller. So why all the talk?
When you remove the SGC-2909 out of the packaging you will quickly
discover it has a very intuitive design and is quite comfortable to hold
for a long period of time. The device is 6 inches wide, four inches
long, and has two handles on the bottom for holding the device. Each
handle has rubber hand-grips that keeps the device from sliding around
in your hand and also adds comfort in its use.
In addition to its comfort value the SGC-2909 has a very nice layout of
your basic game controls. Starting on the top-left corner you have a
four direction POV controller. For games that support POV hat this
control allows you to change the direction the player is looking or
aiming in most modern 3D FPS style games. To the right of the POV
controller is a circle of four buttons. Starting from the top and moving
clockwise they are escape, mouse, analog, and select. On the right-hand
side of the SGC-2909 we have a circle of action buttons. Starting from
the top and moving clockwise we have button 1, button 2, button 3, and
button 4.  In most games these would be fire controls, run, jump, and
other action controls. In the center of the SGC-2909, below the analog
button, there is two joysticks labeled A and B. The A joystick moves
your character around in the game world while the optional B joystick
can perform special aiming adjustments etc. Finally, on the front of the
controller is four additional buttons labeled 5, 6, 7, and 8. While
these can be customized to perform any game action you want I find these
make great fire controls as they are easy to reach and squeeze.
Perhaps one of my favorite features of the SGC-2909 is the retractable
USB cable that comes with the device. When you want to play a game
simply pull it out, plug it in a free USB port, and start playing. When
you are finished there is a little switch on the front of the controller
which allows you to wind the chord back up inside the unit for easy
storage.  If you do a lot of traveling or just want to store it without
the chord in your way you can retract the chord so that only three
inches or so is sticking out of the unit at any given time. This is by
far my favorite feature of the unit since I don't always keep my
controller attached to a PC, and prefer to store them in a desk drawer
or laptop carrying case when not in use.
If everything I have said is not enough reasons to purchase a Phillips
SGC-2909 the price is certainly right. For $15.00 to $16.00 you get a
rather handy game pad that seams to work well with every game I've tried
it with to date. So far I've tried Troopenum, Rail Racer, Mysteries of
the Ancients, Shades of Doom, Puppy 1, and have encountered no serious
compatibility issues.  I think if you are looking for an inexpensive,
intuitive, handy game pad the Phillips SGC-2909 is a good deal. Other
game controllers such as the Logetec Rumble Pad costs approximately $30
to $40, and the only feature it has over the Phillips SGC-2909 is force
feedback support. If you are willing to do without force feedback
support the SGC-2909 could be right for you.

Now, what I found out:

Far right group: From the top, moving clockwise: button 1, button 2, button 3, button 4.

The center group, moving clockwise:  mouse, start, analog, and select.

On the front, where the cable exits, the top left is button 5, and button 7 is below that. On the right, the top is button 6 and, below that,is button 8. Just to the right of the cable is a release for the cable. Moving it to the left will act as a tape measure, allowing the cable to come back into the unit. Be sure to hold onto the cable and not let it retract quickly. This may break the cable. Just let the cable come back in slowly.

Back on top, the left group are conventional arrow keys.

Above and to the left of the center group is the escape, and to the right is the enter button.

The joystick on the left is for left and right, and possibly forward and back. I'm not sure about the right joystick yet. Also, pressing down on the left joystick is, I believe, button 11 and pressing down on the right joystick is button 12.

Also, this unit does have force feedback. In order to actuvate it, you must run the software that comes on a miniature CD with the controller. Also, note that some functions do not work on Apple computers.
- - -
A taxpayer voting for a Democrat is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ryan Strunk" <> To: "'Charles Rivard'" <>; "'Gamers Discussion list'" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:53 AM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] SGC2909 review?


I couldn't find you a review from the magazine, but I did pull something out
of the archives that may be of interest. It is pasted below my signature.


Our economy is in terrible shape, our reputation worldwide is in shambles,
and even so, we continue to be divided by partisan politics. Put down your
torches and your pitchforks Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, Franken, and
o'reilly, and put aside your slogans you followers. I, for one, want to work
on our country and her people. God bless America.
--Concerned Citizen

   Hi To all, from Ron and Boz.
I finally got a chance to pick up the Phillips hand held game controller
model sgc2909.
The controller looks like this.
With the unit facing you. You have the cable plugged into your usb
and it is on the top of the unit. There are two flat buttons to the left
the cable one button to
the back and there is one directly under that button. Then across the top

the controller to the right of the cable on the right hand edge of the
are two more buttons and they're located just like the two buttons on the left side of the connection cable. One button above another button. Maybe
DJC AKA Don can tell us what these four buttons are and what their
Now looking at the face of the unit. The best way to describe the unit is
that we have a left column of buttons, a center column of buttons and a
column of buttons on the far right hand side.
Lets take the far left buttons first.
These four buttons are your basic four directional buttons. They're
shaped buttons. You have your up arrow, which is at the top. Diagonally
this button about three o'clock is the right arrow button, then at the
o'clock is the down arrow button, then at the nine o'clock is the left
Now we come to the center. You'll feel a slight bubble, this is the
display. Just to the left is the escape key and to the right of the
is the enter key.
Now if you find the display bubble as your center,Just below the display
a group of four buttons in a diamond like shape. The top button is just
under the display . This button is the digital analog mode button. I
think we'll want to play with this button to much. I could be wrong on
since I'm still learning the unit myself. But if you keep coming down
that button you'll see nothing then if you go down a little further,
run into another button. This button is the game mouse button. If you get back in between these two buttons, you'll see a button to your left and a
button to your right. This makes up the diamond shape of these four
Maybe DJC could refresh my memory on these buttons once again.
This takes care of the center column of buttons.
Now we come to the far right hand side of the unit. We run  into another
diamond shape of four buttons once again. But these buttons are round in
Now I don't know what these buttons are either.
But for an example for puppy one. I have the three o'clock button as  my
view button and my nine o'clock button as my fire button.
This was the only thing I had to do so that Puppy one would work
with the flight controller.
The one main thing I have to remember is that the two round knobs at the
bottom are your joysticks and they are very very touchy. They don't take
much to go in the direction that you want to fly in.
So for Puppy one, it is real easily to fly past the enemy planes and then
you get shot down. GRIN.
I did manage to shoot down 67 enemy planes down on the experience level
So I do have one game under my belt thus far.
I now have to work with out back, blast chamber, troopanum, hunter and
new three d velocity flying game.
I'll keep everyone up to date on my opinion on this hand controller.
But so far I kind of like it.
But so far with just puppy one. I like it.
So this is my opinion of the flight controller for now.
Ron who finally broke away from the keyboard. GRIN.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 6:44 PM
To: audyssey gamers group
Subject: [Audyssey] SGC2909 review?

I've been looking through the archives for the review of this game
controller with no success. If someone has a copy of it, or can let me know where to find it, and how, I'd appreciate it either on or off list? Thanks.
- - -
A taxpayer voting for a Democrat is like a chicken voting for Colonel
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