Hi Tom.

this sounds great. even for the skeletons and centaurs, there could be variation in their attacks, and a litle time delay from the point they launched the attack until you got hit. Centaurs for instance could have arrows which arc up into the air, then come down on your location, thus if you could run forward fast enough to be in the arc you could avoid them (though equally, you'd need to take care while jumping).

Skeletons could be given a number of slashes depending upon your position.

distinguishing these attacks would I think be easy, simply a matter of altering the pitch or tone of the sound rather the way puppy 1 does, for where the attack is coming on the Y axis.

I'll look forward to the point when combat in mota is a bit more than damage it before it damages you!

Beware the grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2009 3:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Targiting attacks was: The future of Blastbay Studios

Hi Dark,
Actually, that is exactly one of the things I intend on upgrading in Mysteries of the Ancients once I complete converting the Genesis Engine to C++. It stands to reason since harpies are flying enemies they should attack from the air and swoop down or fire attacks from the air. Therefore Angela Carter would have to aim up as well as left/right to shoot them down. Wolves are somewhat lower to the ground so she might have to aim slightly down in order to hit one. Centaurs and skeletons could be hit more or less with the weapon level so they would be targeted more or less the same way you always do. This adds more realism and more interesting combat situations. By and large I agree with what you are saying. We do need more complex ways to dodge enemy attacks as well as more complex targeting and combat situations. That's why in addition to converting the game to C++ I'm also taking the opertunign to through in some extras along the way.

Dark wrote:
this actually brings up a point I've been thinking about a lot recently.
In a side scroller like Mega man or metroid, enemies weren't just always on the same level as you. Your character was roughly one vertical tenth the hight of the playing area. you'd therefore get enemies coming at you not just from the side, but from above, below, or on diagonals, many of which you'd have to carefully time
your jumps in order to be in a position to hit  them.
then, while many enemies tended to damage you if you touched them, many also had projectile or other attacks, and often you had to jump or dodge these, ---- frequently you had to do quite a bit of dodging in order to get close enough to the enemy to
hit them.
Take the cobrat enemies from mario brothers 2. They would jump out of a pipe intermitantly, and chuck bullits at a diagonal angle upwards. if you were on the ground next to the pipe, you'd be fine, ---- however if you were in the air above the pipe you'd get hit, ---- or indeed if you tried to jump past the pipe while the cobrat jumped
at you.
One thing I've noticed is that enemies in games like shades or Gma tank commander have various attacks which must be avoided, ---- eg, guns they shoot at you when your at a distance, bombs that have an area spread, as well as close range attacks. In all the side scrollers we have though, it's just that a case of, --- as you said
yourself tom, turn towards the enemy and shoot it left or right.
i'd personally love to see more enemies with different styles of attack in an audio side scroller, ---- and indeed methods of actually avoiding enemy attacks. in a game like mota for instance, enemies could attack either in the air or on the ground, causing you to either need to duck under or jump over them. Some enemies
could fly in the air and attack only vertically undernieth  them.
some, could be like the falling spaceships in space invaders games, and descend (or ascend), to your character's level before either shooting at or flying at you
(the metroid series was famous for such).
the airial bats in Q9 were a vague step in the right direction, --- but as with
many things in audio games it strikes me there's far more here to tap.
Personally, i'd much rather have games constructed in such a way that if the player is good enough, he/she could (allbeit with amazing difficulty), get through the
game without taking a single hit, dodging everything!
Playing Night of parasite made me remember this, ---- sinse if there's one thing i really dislike in nop, it's the way that being hit is so unavoidable, as the moment you here the enemy attack, you've been damaged, ---- which just doesn't seem correct
to me at all.
Just my thoughts.
Beware the grue!

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