Hi Hayden,
Hmmm...I don't know about that, but there are several possabilities as
far as creating a VB 6 program that plays mp3s. One way is to use the
Windows DirectShow com library which has all kinds of video and audio
codecs support for multimedia. Another would be to use FMOD Ex, which
also has com support, and use it to play mp3s, ogg, wav, and just
about anything else you can think of. I think Windows media Player's
libraries are also com components so you could in theory write a
simple VB 6 wrapper around that if you needed to. Like I said there
are lots of possabilities here. I love Windows com support for tht
reason. Just grab the library or component and run with it.


On 3/18/10, Hayden Presley <hdpres...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know how good this would be, but I do know VB6 has a multy media
> control. Couldn't you use that for MP3s? I believe it works with them.
> Best Regards,
> Hayden

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