Back when I started looking into audio games in early 2006, it seemed there were 4 principle developers of big time serious games, and a number of people who either developed free, random symple stuff or promised and not delivered.
Gma (my starting point sinse I began with Shades of doom), along with pcs who I believed at first were basically an extention of Gma (sorry Phil, this was in the days before sarah). Vip gameszone (who I bought my second game, galaxy ranger from), bsc, and Draconis. I freely admit I was wrong in seeing everyone else as pretty secondary to these four, sinse this was before Jim released some of his more extensive games like Win Golf or puppy1, and before I'd played anything Tom had released. Nevertheless, it does seem rather weerd now, because even though generally the hole state of audio games have improved, ---- Entombed, time of conflict, sound rts, rail racer, sarah etc, etc, it seems mostly by new people like Che and jason alan. out of what I used to believe were the big four, only one, --- Gma, have consistantly developed stuff over the past five years. Though Draconis sold Sarah, they weren't actually responsable for building the game, and don't seem to have made major updates sinse 2007, the same can be said of Vip gameszone, who went quiet after the release of their sports package, ---- quite a shame, as their Lords of the galaxy game rather impressed me, and with a litle rebalancing and illimination of loop holes could be fantastic. Then Bsc haven't made any releases in this time, ---- though at least in their case I do know this is because Justin has a full time job and children, ---- which is fair enough of course. It does seem a bit odd though that so many of who I believed originally to be the major players have gone somewhat silent. ---- Does anyone know what's going on with the others, or whether there is any further news from justin? manifestly they're stil around having done vista updates and such, but it does seem somewhat strange that so many of who I believed were the big players are now rather silent, and I'd hate to think more developers have done a bavisoft. Beware the Grue! Dark. --- Gamers mailing list __ If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at All messages are archived and can be searched and read at If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list, please send E-mail to