Hi Dark,
One slight correction, I worked with Draconis on Ten Pin Alley, based on the PCS game Ten Pin Bowling for DOS. And that game was based on the GEM machine game of bowling, which was a dedicated game consul for the Blind based on the Tandy color computer and used game cartridges and a built in voice synthesizer. I bought it at an ACB convention in 1989.

PCS was putting out about 4 games a year between 1996 and 1999 for DOS because both myself and Carl were single living with our parents. Since then both Carl and myself got married and he has a full time job with IBM as a programmer. My plan has always been to convert many of my DOS games to windows, but my interest in the Harry Potter world has taken over most of my time the past 4 years. Carl is considering getting back into game programming and is now putting together C plus plus libraries needed for this task. I told him about the steps Thomas ward went through to get to the point of developing a game and he may profit from that knowledge. Once my Sarah game update is finished, I plan on developing several games using the GMA engine. But I am also considering the BGT engine and Thomas Ward's engine once it is finished.


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