Hi Hayden,

You are partially correct. I did not use a semicolon at the end of my include statements and they work just fine. I believe, after just testing it rather quickly, that it will work either way.

As a habbit, though, I would suggest putting semicolons at the end of said statements simply to get into the habbit of using them when you want your program to do something, in this case, include a file. If one does not get in this habbit, you will have the exact same issue Muhamid did.

Also, Muhamid, don't get discouraged. This doesn't come easy to some, me included, so, keep at it. One thing I can stress above all others is *Read the manual*. This is going to be your friend, lover, ally, family member, whatever close aquaintence word you want to use in terms of BGT. That manual is the, pardon all the religious types out there, bible of BGT. One cannot program a game without understanding the consepts tought within. Later on tonight, I will post a forum post I made reguarding learnign BGT that I had posted to the blastbay forum.


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