Hi Thomas,
In my experience I know some other blind people, who have been blind since birth, who struggle with spacial awareness. I, for example, can learn a route somewhere but find it hard to reverse the rules when finding my way back. I can't conceptualise it as a map in my head, but rather have to construct it as a list of instructions that I have to remember. If I find that concept hard in real life, goodness knows how hard it will be in a game where you don't physically have the landmarks there instead of as sounds. Granted, I have some small mental difficulties that make it harder for me than maybe other blind people, but I don't like to get into that any more since I used to be ridiculed a lot for it. I'm not a loony though, trust me. *Grin*


----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my frustration with the blind gaming comunity.

Hi Yohandy,

I have a few theories what is going on, and these aren't based so much
on fact but just my experience in dealing with the VI gaming community
in general.

First, is probably simply a lack of interest in the types of games
being presented. I'll take myself for example. I am into mainstream
games, have played several different mainstream games over the years,
but something like Rockband or Street Fighter just simply isn't my
thing. I like adventure games with things like history, treasure
hunting, puzzle solving, etc which is why I'm writing a game like
Mysteries of the Ancients in the first place. Games like Street
Fighter are good games, but I'm not really into that sort of game
personally. Therefore I really don't have much interest in downloading
a podcast on it much less running out and buying a copy for myself.

Second, is accessibility issues. While Street Fighter, Rockband,
Marvel Verses Capcom, etc are playable it doesn't come easy for most
blind players. For example, the menus don't talk so you have to learn
and memorize the menus for those kinds of games. It is opsticals like
this that put anyone totally blind off from venturing into mainstream
gaming. In their mind it is only half accessible. When mainstream
games have talking menus, spoken feedback for this or that, then
they'll be willing to look at it. Without these accessible features
that Tank Commander, Shades of Doom, etc have they are of the opinion
why bother?

Finally, there is the conceptual and skill level gap between
mainstream and accessible audio games. As you know mmainstream games
are written at a skill level, a complexity, far above any audio game
out there. In that sense the average blind gamer, who maybe doesn't
know much about mainstream games, is just totally blown away by the
complexity. It is like overload for him/her since they are absolutely
ignorent about how to begin playing a game like that. Maybe they
simply don't have the skills to do it.

For example, take Mysteries of the Ancients. Right now I'm adding some
extra features to beta 18 such as timed locks which, to my knowledge,
has never been done before in an audio game. Hard to believe that
something that simple has been around for ages in mainstream games,
but isn't even used in audio games. I could point out hundreds of
other examples just as simple, but the fact is most of the audio
gamers out here are clueless when it comes to mainstream games. A game
like Street Fighter has various complex fighting styles that no audio
game has come close to remotely matching, and is just so totally
different from the audio games we have.

Basically, what I'm saying is you and I are advanced gamers. Most
blind people are not. They are rather inexperienced, don't know what
is out there, and maybe don't have the skills to pickup and play
Street Fighter, MVC, Mortal Kombat, or anything remotely accessible
for the Play Station, XBox, Wii, etc. They just aren't advanced enough
to get into it.I'll tell you why I think this way.

For example, take Shades of Doom. That's a game designed for the
blind, by a totally blind game developer, and as games goes it is
pretty simple compared to similar games for the mainstream market. Yet
I have heard countless people say the game is too complicated, it is
too confusing, I can't figure out how to play it, you name it. Now, if
there is a game like that made specifically for the blind and blind
people can't play it how can we expect them to take a step forward and
begin playing mainstream games with less aaccessibility features in
some cases?

Just some thoughts to think about. I'm not saying that these things
are necessarily true, but those are my thoughts. People aren't really
as interested it as you are. I don't know there is a way to increase
interest in it if their skills are lacking, the games aren't that
interesting to a person, or they are just too complex for the average
blind gamer.


On 2/7/11, Yohandy <yohand...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey guys,
    Ok I'm gonna go ahead and say it. I find myself getting extremely
frustrated with the blind gaming community. Why you ask? ok here goes. I'm sure you guys have noticed I've been putting up some rock band samples up.
you've also noticed Clement has been putting up some street fighter IV
samples and various other samples. So why is it that when we ask for
feedback or comments on these samples we work hard to create, people simply
either ignore us completely, or the same 3 or 4 people are the ones to
always respond? well you know what I think the reason for that is? simply
that the games we post about are mainstream games, not audio games. I've
noticed that when a new audio game comes out, even if it's the most
simplistic game in existence, everyone's all jumping to download it
immediately and there are threads that span hundreds of messages on the
subject. But when we post something having to do with console games, the
thread dies in a matter of hours. I'm sure Clement has been feeling this
frustration as well. it's been leaking through in his emails to the list
even if he hasn't mentioned it outright. So my question is this: what must we do to get you guys interested in something other than topspeed 3, or any
other audio game for that matter? don't you guys have that spark of
curiosity to find out everything there is to find about video games? why is
everyone ignoring these games outright? This community has hundreds of
members, and only a very limited amount of people even talk about mainstream games. it's all audio games, audio games, and more audio games. there's so much more out there for you to find guys. how can you call yourself a gamer when you aren't even willing to download the files Clement and I put up to at least listen to what these games have to offer? Whenever I put up a rock band sample, I get like 4 or 5 downloads at most. however I rarely get any feedback. I think you guys are just shoving these files in your hard drives
and don't even take a listen. if you do, then you have the curiosity of a
robot. I don't know about Clement, but I'm not planning on putting anything else up. What's the point? no one seems to care what we have to say, or have
any curiosity about console gaming. you guys just keep playing your audio
games and keep your closed-minded mentality about game accessibility in
general. If you think I'm taking things too far, consider this: remember
when Clement and I had that little Street Fighter seminar? I finally thought that people finally had some interest in what we had to say and in the game and such. we got some really good questions, and over all had a really good time. but once that seminar ended, what do you think happened? That's right. absolutely nothing. people basically were like oh ok, that game had awesome sounds and music and such. ok back to playing some tank commander. at least, that's how I feel personally. it was fun as a spur of the moment thing. Now let me ask you this. how many of you, after listening to that seminar went
over to gamestop and bought a copy of Street Fighter? or even go to a
friend's house and try the game out? My guess is 0. ok rant over. I know
this email is a mess lol, but it's just basically me writing down my ideas
as they come to mind. take from it what you will. for those of us serious
about gaming, we need to get together and figure where we should take it
from here. Do we give up, or keep trying? I'm pretty tired of trying  my
self when everyone's resisting to be honest. Good day everyone.

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