Yep, that's why I don't play too many games anymore. It's too much like playing Bopit.
Ken Downey
Blind Comfort!
The pleasant way to experience massage!
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without the Staring!

----- Original Message ----- From: "dark" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 7:20 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Reviewing space in audio


My snes has been out of commission for the last few months sinse I turned off power to my tv and lost the tuning, and sinse tuning my tv requires a visual menue I had to wait for my dad to visit to rejigger it so that I could play my snes again.

This means I've been revisiting some of my favourite classics such as Mario all stars and Super metroid.

By a coincidence, sinse buying esp pinball classic, I've also been replaying several audiogames I haven't been on for a while such as the esp pinball xtreme tables and alien outback.

The funny thing is, I've found that while I can do almost as well as I used to at a game like Alien outback, and probably won't need to practice much to get back to where I was, even at super metroid which is a game I've been through up down and backwards innumerable times, i've found my skills have really! deteriorated.

I started to wonder why, this might be, and believe I have come up with the answer.

Sinse it is far harder to show a large amount of spacial information in sound, a lot of audio games, ---- even highly detailed and well put together ones like Q9 and alien outback, work essentially by presenting the player with sets of circumstances which the player must respond to more and more quickly and correctly.

Eg, you here a ship on the left, you fly over and shoot it.

These games increase difficulty by a, increasing the number of circumstances the player needs to be aware of, eg, different types of ships to listen for which move differently, and b, increasing the speed or complexity of the players' responses.

Pipe 2 is one of the best examples, by forcing the player to first learn and respond to the rythm of fitting pipes, then increasing more and more randomized factors on top.

At base this is a similar principle to simon, though games like Q9 undoubtedly take it a lot further.

The drawback of such a system however, is that once a player has learnt response time, the response becomes entirely automatic, and thus no longer of challenge or interest, and, when replayed, those initially learnt responses are stil in the players' mind and can be recalled as needed.

A game like Marrio however, does not just rely on the speed or complexity of a players response.

yes, the player may have to respond quickly or in a prescribed fashion, but these responses are tied to a set of game mechanics which require the player to use judgement as well as learnt reflexes, and it is that judgement which can be renewed.

For instance, in Q9, when you come to a pit, it's simply necessary to press jump and hit the right arrow enough times. In marrio however, the distance you jump is controled by a, how long you hold down the jump button, b, how fast your running when you begin the jump, and c, where you jump from.

Then, there is the question of landing, sinse if you land from a long jump your stopping distance will not be immediate, meaning you might for instance jump a pit but slide streight into a monster just afterwards if your not careful.

I think part of this difference is due to the fact that it's more difficult to show multiple objects in sound, and thus develope the sort of more involved physics which requires the players' judgement as well as their reflexes, however while showing information (paticularly what is above or below your character), could be difficult, i do certainly thing more could be done than currently exists, especially in the matter of altering the characters' movement and physics so as to be more complex.

Of course, some audio games do have more complex mechanics to take into account such as the first person games like Shades of doom and Jim's golf game.

But it does seem that we have rather too many games which go on the basic principle of here x, give response y, rather than considdering the physics and operation of in game objects.

Beware the grue!

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