Yes Sean, the cyber queen! ;D.

Deffinately someone who has removed all emotion I think.

I actually once had a discussion with someone about whether the Queen could pass the turin test ;D.

In fairness half of my objection to the royal family is actually based entirely upon there wellbeing.

it seems just as unfair that they should be forced into such responsability and insanity just by an accident of birth, as that they get so much privilidge by that same accident.

I've met aristocrats, lords and such (durham is that sort of university), and generally they've been horrendously unpleasant people who see themselves as "entitled" and "better than everyone else" , in fact the only members of the Aristocracy I have any time for are those who do something else of note, ---- like Professor/lord winston the famous biologist who i've seen on a couple of occasions giving talks, and who I ertainly respect far more as a scientist and academic, which he has worked to achieve than as a lord which he's done nothing for.

And in the current financial crysis, when the government is stripping money from everyone they can, to have these people stil supported by the state, ---- not to mention the expense on the blasted wedding is to my mind insane! not to mention unfair in the extreme.

On the subject of the royals being gits, i actually had a friend share a tent with prince william in the air training core, and he said he was the most completely unpleasant, self obsessed scumbag you could possibly imagine, ---- then again given the upbringing, childhood and family he has that probably isn't entirely his fault.

My objection to the monarchy is also tied up with some of my thoughts about the nastiness of patriotism (I make a point of never standing should the national anthem be played).

I actually would like to meet the queen, ---- I would take great pleasure in calling her Mrs. Windser, ;D.

Beware the grue!


----- Original Message ----- From: "shaun everiss" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 5:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

Oh god dark.
I saw the epesode about dr who and the cyber king a couple days ago.
Now you will give me nightmares.
We will all be upgraded.
anything else will get deleted.
Oh well at least its not the dalecs or borg though both of those are usually noisy races.
At 03:16 a.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:
Well, sinse the queen lacks all emotion and is probably a robot, --- maybe short circuite her!

You also missed out her having to cope with the prince being a git (I had a friend of mine share a tent with him on a military exercize, and apparently this is true, though given the members of the aristocracy I've met myself I find it quite believeable).

Can you tell I'm not a fan of the British monarchy? ;D.

Stil lovely idea for a game phil, I particularly like the idea of the fanfare band and their trumpets of doom!

Beware the grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Vlasak" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 3:55 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

Games we'd like to play
by Phil Vlasak

Groom Hunter: Mysteries of the royal wedding.

In this fast action game, you Are Kate Middleton, a daring groom hunter,
willing to risk everything to find and merry the long time bachelor, Prince William of Wales.

Her mission will not be an easy one as she must start at the University of Saint Andrews,
first encountering the Prince.

In later levels she must continue to be friends, rekindling their relationship.

Once she gets to the marriage announcement level,
she must design her coat of arms, pick from several Seating plans,
and decide where to put the Azalea, lilac and rhododendron flowers.

Along the way she will collect a huge oval sapphire engagement ring, try on dozens of wedding dresses,
and plan the decorations for the Abbey.

On the day of the wedding, she must avoid such traps as the rainy Weather forecast, a bumpy Rolls-Royce Phantom procession,
to finally make her way through the 20-foot trees adorning the aisle.

She will also encounter thousands of media representatives,
two choirs, the London Chamber Orchestra, and a fanfare team from the Central Band of the Royal Air Force performing the music.

If Catherine finally makes it to Westminster Abbey, she must face her greatest
challenge, coming face to face with the ultimate Boss, The Queen.

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