Hi Shaun,

I'm in a position to solve all of your problems here, but I'd like to
see some samples of the show before I commit to a project like this. I
think that an audio podcast in of itself is a good idea, but we need
someone semi-professional to host it and someone with the right
equipment to record and edit the shows. I've heard some really
professional podcasts in my time, and I've heard some that sound like
crap. Obviously, the more professional sounding we can get the show to
sound the more I'm in favor of donating web space etc for the project.

As for a subdomain of Audyssey.org I'm pretty sure that won't work.
For one thing there is no space on the webserver to host the casts,
unless they are hosted elsewhere,  and Raul would have to grant me
access to the control panel to create the subdomain and install
Wordpress, etc.

As for Wordpress that's no problem. As you know I have my own
Wordpress blog so I've had personal experience setting up and managing
a Wordpress blog. All I need to know where to put it and have access
to MySQL so I can create the databases etc you'll need for the blog
users and admins.

Alternatively, you might consider using a wiki instead. That way users
can edit the pages as needed, add articles, posts, whatever is
required as long as they have edit privlages. Any thoughts on that?

As for donating you'll probably want something like a Paypal IPN
script which will allow people to pay via Paypal to whomever will end
up running the podcast. I've got such IPN scripts written in php, but
they'd have to be modified as I primarily designed them for USA Games
sales and ordering rather than donations.

As for your equipment problem goes I don't want to sound rude, but if
you don't have the right equipment to do this then you probably aren't
the right person for the job. I understand you are eager to help,
interested in kicking this podcast off, etc however having the
equipment and someone who can talk without interjecting ah's, oh's,
um's, etc is essential in my book in putting together a
semi-professional podcast. That's how I see it.

For instance, I won't host the podcast myself simply because I don't
fit the requirements for a commentator. For one thing I have never had
something of a great voice to begin with, but a few years ago I had
some nerve damage to my face which makes it difficult for me to talk
clearly. Sometimes my words are slurred or come out sounding mumbled
because its hard to get my mouth to speak words clearly. As a result I
don't think I would make a very good commentator.

In short, knowing what we each can bring to this project and what
areas we aren't very good at will insure we find the right people for
each position for the job.


On 11/8/11, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> david, you may have solved my problem at least partually.
> if I could get a subdomain, ie audysseycast.yourname.com or
> something, or somehow be able to have you maintain a no-ip or
> something, then that would rock.
> On that note I wander if a sub domain could be created in
> audyssey.org and then we could link that to the cast.
> My rough plan is to have a wordpress blog.
> This makes it easy to maintain.
> My plan is to have a shared folder, a backup cast on podomatic just
> in case the old one dies and a dropbox shared folder.
> Then ofcause I'd need the ability to admin the wp side, ofcause if we
> had the site with wordpress we can use podpress.
> I have a gmail so I should have access to feadburner since thats
> where links should go.
> I think though that this cast will have to have some donation system
> or something at some point.
> David is it possable you could get more storage for the cast?
> Sorry if that sounds cheaky but its the simplest thing.
> The other idea is to pay for something like public ftp or dropbox or
> something.
> Dropbox public links though do eventually overload so that wouldn't
> solve it that much.
> There are shares but I don't want to fill my hard drive with shares really.
> There is sendspace but who in their right mind would use that as a
> perminant podcast thingy.
> Another thing we should get is a mirroring system.
> I have no idea how to get to or use the coral distrobution network or
> cdn but I know that its free I think and that places like the dectalk
> archive did use it.
> Another thing I could do would be to use one of the systems here as a
> server, but I'd have to buy more bandwidth, and then I'd have to
> limit  upload speed to something stupid.
> And even if I did that holidays excluded I could only run it during the day.
> There are loads of options I just need to know where the list wants to go.
> Oh if someone wants to post it to the forums on audiogames if I don't
> get through there then that would rock.
> Thanks to my external plantronics headset things will work.
> However I can only record one device at once, so either voice or actual
> sound.
> I don't have the hardware myself to do all the things I could.
> If push comes to shove I have a single core I could try recording on,
> it however is only a single core with a small drive.
> its my grandpa's and he doesn't use the capacity, however its rather
> far from my location.
> And then ofcause I'd need some user input,     I mean I won't be
> making all this myself all the time.
> Anyway I want this to be community driven so its up to you guys on
> what you want to do.
> I will try to previde resources where I can ofcause.

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