hi tom, I aggree with you.
I don't have the experience behind me, yes I know how to do things but have rarely done any real projects for a time.
Right now though, interest is rather small.
We will have to get into things like how submition works, who actually does actual announcements etc. Maybe I souldn't take the entire thing on my sholders, though I should manage at least parts of it even if its behind the sceens.
Right now I am waiting for the idea to mature.
Once thats done, I believe with 000webhost I can make the basic mirror, not much else, file download is rather bad but who knows. Maybe I have been to foreward in rushing things as right now not to many are comming foreward. Today I did the research into mirroring and licences, its up to the community to decide what they want ofcause I just needed to find what was what.
And for now it appears like i have reached a stopping point.
Point is that unless more than the 7 people we have now on list and the forum are interested, there will not be any cast.
Sertainly not the cast I invisioned and therefore I won't be comitting at all.
My last project flopped over with practically no material, bad or non existant equipment, and the fact that there was really not much going on.
I plan to have the cast as interactive as possible.
If we had 1 or more people dedicated to hosting or being announcer then that would rock.
Even if I just handled the admin parts, blog, forum, etc.
I plan on if possible of having some sort of teamtalk for later use but thats rather much later.
At 05:31 p.m. 10/11/2011 -0500, you wrote:
Hi Shaun,

its not my cast. I'm just trying to give you advice when and where I
see it. I think you know that I have a highly developed sense of what
is considered to be a professional standard--some might say its too
strict--but that's just how I see things. I personally feel it would
be wrong of me to say this or that sounds great when I really don't
feel that way. I think it is in the casts best interest if we find
someone who has experience doing some kind of podcast or radio show
who sounds professional. Maybe that's not possible--I don't know--but
we should try to do this podcast the best we can.


On 11/10/11, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> as I said I really don't have any current samples.
> Yes maybe with all his resources sertainly more than me, if kelly
> wants to be the host of the show then heck we have hardly started and
> I have felt like swearing at you over the file storage thing.
> But whatever.
> I was going to bring up what method we would use to submit files and
> what will happen for say sharing content to be put together  but I
> guess its a mute point now.
> So a part from the idea I guess I don't have any real part in this, I
> feel a bit left out but hay its your cast I just thought about the idea.
> Its true I don't have the right stuff sertainly not the standard I
> have not done any presentation in years.
> Maybe I'll just have to submit things as I go or something.
>   now.
> At 04:10 p.m. 10/11/2011 -0500, you wrote:
>>Hi Shaun,
>>I don't want to sound rude or overly critical, but i just don't think
>>these samples are of the kind of quality I'm looking for in terms of a
>>podcast. You just don't have the right kind of voice for it, and I
>>noticed you put way to many ums and long pauses in your casts.I'm not
>>looking for perfect, as Dave said, but I do have a fairly good idea of
>>what I think would sound good. I can't help but think you are not cut
>>out for this. Take a listen to Kelly's work and you'll see what I
>>mean. Someone like Kelly Serpergia is a great example of what we need
>>in terms of a host for the show.
>>On 11/10/11, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi all.
>> > Ok as prommised here are samples of my work.
>> > Take in mind that at the time I did most of this I did not have all
>> > the equipment I had now.
>> > Some of this is from a project unreleased.
>> > I made a couple files, a game sample and a voice only which should
>> > have been a game but for some reason the right device on the
>> > recording program was not set  right and it never recorded right.
>> > My voice could be a little to loud so maybe I will have to fix that.
>> > You should get a clear sound from the realtech card in the box
>> > playing laser breakout of all things.
>> > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1407689/sample.zip
>> > I don't promise perfection but at least I can keep the wheels turning.
>> >
>> > If you are happy to handle hosting at least for now, that will hold
>> > the cast for a bit, I plan to look into the cdn type of stuff.
>> > at some point.
>> > I guess I'll leave the community to its business.
>> > Hopefully this won't just be me.
>> >
>> > we can figure stuff out later if I pass the first step.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ---
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