Wow, people just can't say thanks. You've been releasing totally awesome betas for how long now.

----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Ward <
To: Philip Bennefall <>,Gamers Discussion list <
Date sent: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 23:03:46 -0500
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My decision on Perilous Hearts preorders,and a surprise!

Hi Philip,

Which is precisely why I agree with your decision in this. I've had the issues of preorders for MOTA and Raceway hanging over my head from day one and I can honestly say it has largely taken the enjoyment out
of the process of creating those games. I've had to put up with
everything from mild anoyence of questions like "when will the game be released" to outright hostility of threats to sue me, requests for a
refund, etc just because my personal schedue doesn't meet their
expectations. That's certainly something I could have done without,
and weather it was intended or not its taken the enjoyment out of
developing the games. I don't work well under stress and feeling like I owe someone a product right now, right on the spot, has often made me feel pressured enough to drop certain features, game ideas, and
more complex level layouts, whatever just to cut corners and save
time. As a result I'm not happy with the way it has turned out, and while the end users may or may not know the difference I certainly do. If a developer can avoid that kind of stress and pressure I'd advise
not taking it upon yourself.


On 11/24/11, Philip Bennefall <> wrote:
Hi Will,

This was something I considered very carefully before I made my decision, and concluded that the worry and frustration caused by having the obligation hanging over my head on such a project far outweighs the financial benefit that preorders would provide. Therefore, I decided to take the middle road. If people want to be sure the game gets as much attention as possible, they
can still help to make that happen.

As for the game working on Mac, if it's a virtual machine that you're running then I'm not surprised. The game requires a fair amount of processing power and so I doubt whether it'll work well on a netbook either
unless it is a high-end type.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

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