The Glock 19 can also be converted, paralegally, into an autofiring
weapon by filing down the trigger break. I don't know how to do it,
but I think it's funny, in a sort of scary way.

As for the weapons stuff, what I essentially invisioned in my post was.

1: melee weapons
2: Pistols
3: Shotguns
4: Scoped Rifles
5: Submachineguns (essentially somewhere between a pistol and an
automatic rifle, usually not held one handed but can be in a pinch,
carbine length or shorter, 6: battle rifles/assault rifles (the
difference being the size of bullet fired as both are automatic), 7:
flamethrower (although I suggest that as a precaution against poluting
the environment even further with fire and toxins, the benzine be
removed from the fuel, essentially making the device a gasoline
shooting, flame on, water gun), 8: Chainsaw, 9 or 0: Light Machineguns
(machineguns are light, medium, or heavy, and this applies not only to
weight but to size of ammunition and amount carried, with light
usually carried by specially trained infantry), 0 or hyphen: minigun
(Actually, the minigun is probably a medium machinegun, meaning it
could be carried in emergencies but is probably best used in
emplacements. Occasionally, mediums are vehicle mounted.)

Actually, if we were going to follow my idea, I suggest strongly that
the minigun, for several reasons listed below, be changed to fire .45
ammo, which should I think be the same price as 9mm, because both are
very popular and quite old. The .45 ACP cartridge fires the largest
bullet in swamp so far, which would make it perfect for a medium
machinegun. Also, because the 7.62, if we followed my idea, would be
used by the M-40 sniper rifle in Option 4, AK-47/M-14 battle rifle in
secondary option 6, the M-60 in option 9 or 0, and the minigun in
option 0 or hyphen. That makes four users of 7.62MM, the most
expensive bullet in the game at four reputation a bullet to purchase.
Since the minigun fires an ungodly number of these little guys, it's
about 1200 rep to fill it up. If .45 ACP was used, and if it was the
same price as 9MM is now, which I think is 24 reputation, the minigun
could be filled for I think about 620, about half the price.

I'll end on this note. I don't know what Kai is doing right now. I
know that, so far, Kai and Jeremy have been a great team, and I hope
that my occasional criticisms haven't made either one sore at me. If
what's happened so far is any indication, there's a lot of good stuff
to look forward to.

Dakotah Rickard

On 4/2/12, Ken <> wrote:
> Yes, I'd love to see the Mac 10.  This handgun can, though illlegally, be
> converted into a fully automatic weapon which fires, I kid you not, 32.5
> rounds per second.  That would put t on a par with the minigun!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dakotah Rickard" <>
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 1:02 PM
> Subject: [Audyssey] Swamp Weapons Thoughts
>> Hello Gamers, and Jeremy Kaldobsky in particular.
>> I was thinking about some things, having played Swamp 1.9 for a little
>> while. We are now at the point where many weapons options are
>> possible. What I mean by that is that, for example, we could have
>> pistol options.
>> We now have nothing that uses .45 ACP, so it has been removed from
>> play. However, there are weapons ranging from the standard m-1911
>> pistol to the Mac-10 and similar submachineguns that could use .45
>> ACp.
>> But we already have the Glock 19 and the MP5, or so you might say.
>> However, we could still bring this into play, without limiting
>> functionality. It would involve rearranging some things and changing
>> another, but I get the inspiration from the way things were once in
>> Swamp anyway, so it shouldn't be a surprise to any but the newest
>> players.
>> When Jeremy first provided the silencer option for the pistol, it was
>> accessed by pressing the number 2 twice. It, in effect, loaded another
>> weapon file into play, the file for the silenced pistol. I suggest
>> that we could have multiple options under a category by this method,
>> so we could have the Glock 19, which uses 9MM and the, I think it's
>> Springfield m-1911 or anything else that uses .45 ACP. You could
>> access the Glock 19 by pressing the number 2 one time, and the
>> Springfield by pressing it again, or if switching from another weapon,
>> by pressing it twice. Also, I'm sure it would be possible to do that
>> if the character only had one of those pistols, pressing the number 2
>> would go straight to it, no matter whether it was the Glock or the
>> Springfield.
>> Brief list of rearrangements and additions:
>> Press 1:
>> Axe or Machete. Machete has a faster rate but less overall damage)
>> Press 2:
>> Glock 19 using 9MM or Springfield M-1911 which uses .45 ACP. There's
>> no reason that both couldn't be suppressed, although they'd require
>> different suppressors. The .45 should, I feel, have less range, be
>> louder, and do more damage.
>> Press 3:
>> Browning Citori or Benelli, both using shotgun shells.
>> Press 4:
>> Winchester using 5.56 MM or M40 using 7.62MM.
>> Press 5:
>> MP5 using 9MM or Mac-10 using .45 ACP. I suggest that they could also
>> be suppressed, but Mac-10 has shorter range and is louder.
>> Press 6:
>> AR-15 using 5.56 or AK (47 or otherwise) which uses 7.62. Someone has
>> already done what appears to be an outstanding job of making an AK-47
>> sounding rifle in one of the weapons mods in the Swamp shared Dropbox
>> folder under the "Assault" folder. Alternatively, the m14
>> Battle Rifle could be used.
>> Press 7:
>> Flamethrower, would use fuel and would be so awesome. Zombie
>> Survivors' Guide says no, but I say barbecued dead-head. Military
>> flamethrowers could be called the M-2, but flamethrowers are
>> surprisingly, and scarily, easy to build at home. I could build one,
>> and I know very little about pipes and such.
>> Press 8:
>> Chainsaw which uses fuel.
>> Press 9:
>> I can't think of anything, although we could just move the next
>> category back one.
>> Press 0:
>> M60 which uses 7.62MM or M-249, I think it is, SAW (Squad Automatic
>> Weapon) which uses 5.56MM.
>> Press Hyphen:
>> Vulcan Minigun which uses 7.62MM like a beast.
>> I have recommended that the Winchester and m-40 be combined here,
>> rather than separated as they were, both to save space on the number
>> row for future weapons and because their functions are similar.
>> Also, be aware that 9MM and 5.56MM are both used thrice, with .45 ACP,
>> shotgun shells, and fuel being used twice.
>> This is another one of my trademark long e-mails, so I beg pardon and
>> hope you all made it through.
>> Happy Killin'.
>> Signed:
>> Dakotah Rickard
>> ---
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