this is all well and good tom but when will the new MOTA be out?
we heard it be out for years now 
if it iwll support mac go for it, :)

On 30 Mar 2012, at 04:27, Thomas Ward wrote:

>                    USA Games News
>                    Mar. 29, 2012
>                    Introduction
> Hello, gamers. Welcome to another edition of the USA Games News. As it has 
> been quite a while since we've written one of these news letters and there 
> have been several questions as to the fate of Mysteries of the Ancients over 
> the last few months we only thought it was fair to bring you up to speed as 
> to what we are doing and what you can expect from us in the future.
> However, it must be said up front that Mysteries of the Ancients is only one 
> of several products currently in development. While we are continuing work on 
> Mysteries of the Ancients, which has recently been renamed for reasons 
> explained later in this news letter, we are also moving forward with a few 
> other projects  we've wanted to develop for a long time, but have been 
> delayed time after time by Mysteries of the Ancients. So without further 
> introduction here is the news.
>                    Ark of Hope
> Over the last month we have been developing a new game called "Tomb Hunter: 
> The Ark of Hope." This game is very similar to Mysteries of the Ancients, but 
> has an all new storyline, new levels, and of course several updates that did 
> not make it into the final beta of Mysteries of the Ancients.
> In this revised version of the game world re noun archeologist, Dr. Angela 
> Carter, travels to Greece in search of Pandora's Box. Legend has it that when 
> Pandora opened the box she let out all the evil and suffering in the world 
> and closed the box trapping hope inside. Now, Dr Angela Carter is in search 
> of Pandora's Box and intends to open it. However, her quest will not be an 
> easy one.
> She must explore 12 Erie underground tombs filled with deadly traps 
> including: fire pits, sharp metal spikes, falling rocks, deep chasms, rolling 
> boulders, pits filled with boiling lava, and more. She must fight or flee 
> several unworldly creatures such as: sword wielding skeletons, undead zombie 
> warriors, flying harpies, and mighty centaurs. Along the way she will pick up 
> and collect gold coins, ancient reed torches, precious jewels, and pieces of 
> a long lost scroll that will lead her to Pandora's Box.
> As I said earlier many of the game play elements will be similar to Mysteries 
> of the Ancients, but there will be differences as well. We've been updating 
> some sounds, music, as well as redesigning all 12 levels from scratch. In 
> addition to those changes we've been adding more traps, expanding the levels, 
> and have been adding some extra features as well. So stay tuned for news as 
> this project develops.
>                    Open G3D
> For the last couple of months we've been working on a project we feel will 
> greatly aid audio game developers called "Open G3D." We've actually been 
> working on the project for a couple of years, but were unable to move forward 
> with the project do to technical details. What we wanted was a game engine 
> that met a number of criteria that were difficult to meet, and it took quite 
> a lot of time and research to come up with a workable solution.
> In short, we wanted an engine that was easy to develop, an engine that was 
> easy to use, and would work on Mac, Linux, Windows, and perhaps other 
> platforms as well. Needless to say meeting this criteria was difficult to do 
> because there is a lot of technical considerations involved in cross-platform 
> game development in addition to the fact we wanted to create a user friendly 
> experience for everyone.
> For example, the Genesis Engine that we use to develop Mysteries of the 
> Ancients, Raceway, etc is written in C++. While C++ is arguably one of the 
> best languages for professional game development, is considered to be the 
> industry standard, it was never intended to be a language for beginners and 
> therefore isn't very easy to work with. We wanted to eliminate this issue by 
> using an off the shelf language that has a history of being simple and 
> straight forward while not sacrificing the power of a full blown programming 
> language like C++.
> At the same time we wanted to be able to design a build once run anywhere 
> type engine so we could produce games for non-Windows platforms. As someone 
> who does not regularly use Windows, preferring to use Linux instead, we are 
> well aware of the fact that the desire for more games for Mac OS and Linux is 
> growing. Unfortunately, since most of the accessible games and game 
> development tools are designed for Windows those of us who choose to use 
> Linux, Mac OS, or some other alternative operating system often get ignored. 
> By producing a cross-platform solution we hope that we can make it both 
> easier and  less difficult for developers to produce more cross-platform 
> games.
> In the end what we decided to do is adopt the Python programming language and 
> PyGame for our open source cross-platform engine. While it is not completely 
> a perfect solution we believe that it is a satisfactory one considering the 
> task before us. After careful consideration many of the advantages often out 
> weigh the disadvantages of using Python and PyGame for the engine.
> For instance, let's discuss joystick support. The API PyGame is based on, 
> SDL, does not support force feedback controllers, but it does offer generic 
> support for most gamepads, joysticks, and other game devices.  What this 
> means for a developer is he or she won't be able to create a game that uses 
> force feedback technology but they can still have joystick support without 
> that specific feature. Plus keyboard input and mouse input are more or less 
> comparable to DirectX So using PyGame for input is acceptable if not 
> exceptional. Chances are most game developers probably won't need force 
> feedback support anyway.
> Same could be said for the sound mixer. PyGame's sound mixer, SDL Mixer, 
> isn't as good as DirectSound, XAudio2, or something like FMOD Ex, but it is 
> functional. While it doesn't specifically have 5.1 surround sound support it 
> is possible to create a couple of functions that gets the direction and 
> distance between two sound objects and then pass the values to the 
> set_volume() control for the left and right speakers to fake a 3d type 
> effect. Its not perfect, but as most people don't have the proper hardware 
> for 5.1 surround sound anyway using simple 2d stereo panning is probably 
> suitable for most situations. If 5.1 surround sound audio is necessary we 
> could always add support for SFML later which uses OpenAL for 5.1 surround 
> sound.
> In any case I am certain by now many of you are asking, "what's the big deal?"
> Well, in answer to that question Open G3D is being designed to resolve three 
> basic problems that something like the Blastbay Game Toolkit does not. If you 
> fall into any of these categories it might offer you an advantage to use Open 
> G3D instead.
> First, is Open G3D is written in pure Python. Unlike BGT Python is a full 
> blown programming language used for anything from short simple scripts to 
> full blown applications like games, screen readers, etc. It is very simple to 
> learn, and there is lots of free and commercial documentation for the 
> language. The same language used for developing the engine can be used to 
> extend and script the engine as well.
> The biggest advantage of using Python is that it does not use a lot of 
> program syntax and does not require a lot of brackets, braces, semi-colons, 
> which many new programmers often forget to use and run into troubles with 
> when using the C type languages. It also doesn't require statements such as 
> End Function, End While, End If, etc which actually requires much less typing 
> than say Visual Basic. Instead Python uses proper formatting and spacing that 
> is easier to learn and remember than all the trappings of C, C++, Java, 
> Visual Basic, and so on. As a result Python is probably easier than 
> Angelscript which is used by the Blastbay Game Toolkit.
> Second, Open G3D is open source. As someone who has been working with open 
> source software for a while now I can see two major advantages of an open 
> source model for this project.
> Probably the most important aspect of being open source for a lot of game 
> developers is the cost. Open G3D is being designed to be free for commercial 
> and non-commercial use. While the Blastbay Game Toolkit is reasonably priced 
> at$29.95 for BGT Lite, $99.95 for Pro Single, or $399.95 we can eliminate 
> that cost in favor of sounds, music, or whatever else a developer may decide 
> to put that money towards instead. However, that's by no means the only 
> advantage of an open source game engine.
> Perhaps the most important aspect of being open source is the availability of 
> the source code itself. If a developer wants to extend the functionality of a 
> certain module, rewrite a certain module to support a different API, or to 
> fix bugs and issues in the engine and donate those changes to the project he 
> or she can do so. In this way development of the engine isn't completely 
> dependant on one or two developers but the entire community of developers.  
> All developers cooperate to update and design the engine for everyone's 
> mutual benefit.
> For example, let's assume a developer would rather use PySFML instead of 
> PyGame. By using PySFML instead of PyGame a developer could have access to 
> OpenAL for 5.1 surround sound support, better keyboard handling, and a few 
> other advantages that SFML has over SDL. By updating the engine and donating 
> the SFML modules the next developer in line who wants to use PySFML with his 
> or her games can simply download that version of the modules and use those 
> instead of the PyGame modules. In this way it encourages developers to share 
> what they know and what they create with the rest of the community rather 
> than forcing everyone else to reinvent the wheel so to speak.
> Basically, in this way the engine has the poss ability of being upgraded 
> frequently, will quickly support many different APIs, and there will be 
> modules available to meet almost any developer's needs provided the 
> developers who regularly use the engine continue to contribute to the project 
> and help maintain it for the rest of the community. It has the potential to 
> become an all in one tool for everyone.
> third, the final objective of the Open G3D engine is simply to aid developers 
> in the creation of non-Windows games as well as develop games for Windows. At 
> this point in time very few games are specifically being designed for Mac or 
> Linux users, and in order to play games on those operating systems the gamer 
> is often forced to play the games through a virtual machine like VMware 
> Player or attempt to play them in an emulator like wine. To say neither 
> option is exactly ideal is an understatement. As someone who falls into that 
> group something that would enable developers to design games for more than 
> one platform is really a plus in today's audio gaming market. Especially, if 
> a audio game developer has an interest in opening up new markets.
> One very common reason audio game developers don't develop games for Mac and 
> Linux is because they feel it is too expensive or its not worth it. In a 
> sense that is true if they have written the game in a proprietary language 
> like Visual Basic and used a platform specific API like DirectX. In a case 
> like that they would have to rewrite the game from scratch in another 
> language which really isn't worth it. However, Open G3D resolves this because 
> of the fact it is based on cross-platform technologies to begin with.
> For instance, let's say a developer has just created a new game called UFO 
> Invasion. Now, there are a couple of different ways he or she can 
> redistribute that product. One way is by bundling the product using 
> Pyinstaller, Py2exe, Freeze, etc which will create a platform specific 
> executable with all dependencies included. The other more cross-platform 
> solution is to compile the source into pyc files which are not tied to any 
> specific platform.  Assuming a gamer has Python and Pygame installed on his 
> or her computer clicking on invasion.pyc should load and play regardless if 
> they are using Mac, Linux, or Windows. This makes it possible for a developer 
> to create games for operating systems other than his or her own.
> Another common reason audio game developers choose not to develop games for 
> other platforms has to do with complexity. It is a well known fact that many 
> game developers choose to use languages like Visual Basic simply because it 
> is easier to learn than C++, and are often unaware of other alternatives just 
> as easy to learn and use. Open G3D  provides them with another option that is 
> just as easy to use, perhaps a bit easier, and certainly not as proprietary 
> or expensive to use as Visual Basic. So once developed it will at least be 
> one more option on the table.
> In closing we've been working on Open G3D, and hope that once we have a 
> stable version both new and established game developers will be willing to 
> take a look at the project. We feel it has a lot to offer the community, and 
> we look forward to your feedback as this project nears completion.
>                    Final Conflict
> From time to time we often get bug reports sent to us by new players of the 
> game, or get questions about when a new version will be released. Well, we 
> are working on a new version of the game, and not surprisingly it will be one 
> of the first games to use our new Open G3D engine.
> Initially we had planned on developing the game using the C++ version of the 
> Genesis Engine, but decided against that for several reasons. One, as it is a 
> 2d turn based game it really doesn't need 3d audio, force feedback joystick 
> support, and plenty of other things we have been adding to our commercial 
> engine over the last two or three years. Therefore something like PyGame 
> would be perfectly fine for the game. Second, as we are developing the Open 
> G3D game engine it only makes sense to use that instead as a basis for Final 
> Conflict and any other free or open source games we might develop in the 
> future. Last, of course, is the game will now be available for Mac and Linux 
> as well as Windows thanks to the cross-platform nature of the new engine.
> Aside from the technical details Final Conflict 2.0 has much more to provide 
> than previous versions. One of the new changes being developed is a mission 
> or campaign mode where you are given a specific objective and you must use 
> your fleet to achieve that objective. Here is a case in point.
> In one such campaign the Romulan Empire sends a fleet of Romulan Warbirds 
> across the neutral zone and attempts to capture Vulcan. You are given a small 
> fleet of Starfleet ships to intercept and destroy all the Romulan ships 
> before they can land troops on the planet. One of the major challenges of 
> this particular campaign is that all of the enemy ships are cloaked, are 
> difficult to find, and there are no starbases nearby to help restock, repair, 
> and recharge your ships. The game can be a bit more challenging at times, but 
> is more evenly balanced between the computer player and human player. 
> Hopefully this will make the game more fun and interesting.
> As this game is still early in alpha development there really isn't much more 
> we can say at this point. Its not going to be released for a while, but we 
> did want to give our customers a heads up as to what is happening with the 
> game.  We certainly have not abandoned Final Conflict in favor of newer 
> projects. However, development on Final Conflict is dependant on how soon or 
> how long it takes us to complete our commercial projects like Ark of Hope as 
> that still takes priority.
> Sincerely,
> Thomas Ward
> USA Games Interactive
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