maybe i did come to strong calling your stuff crap I am sure it is a good game however since a lot of players won't have or can afford the necessary hardware to play the game then it may as well not exist for those people me included. I actually got a listen to the music using a vertual braille device in supernova and it was really good.

At 07:13 a.m. 11/11/2012 +0000, you wrote:
Hi Thomas.
Thanks. And I understand. Does that mean you've layed dotris? What did you think?

On 11 Nov 2012, at 03:46, Thomas Ward <> wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> Speaking for myself the big issue is money is very tight right now,
> and what money there is must be allocated for more important things.
> For example, the timing belt in our car is going bad and my wife and I
> are going to have to pay to have the timing belt replaced before the
> car breaks down some place leaving us stranded somewhere. That's
> obviously not going to be cheap. Therefore I really do not have the
> funds to donate to something like Clear Vision at this time.
> On 11/10/12, Nick Adamson <> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Well N A Soft released Dotris, our game for Braille displays about a month
>> ago and today we had our 100th download. Something which seems quite hard to
>> Believe.
>> As I'm sure your all aware that Dotris was developed to publicize Braille,
>> something I've been doing with a small UK based charity, the ClearVision
>> library who I chose to support with Dotris. ClearVision have been really
>> pleased with the amount of publicity they have had through Dotris and have
>> told me there pleased to be involved with a project like it. If you've no
>> idea what Dotris is check out
>> I was also hoping to raise money for ClearVision as well as getting them
>> publicity. I've been really disappointed that no users have made a donation.
>> Its quite clear on the website and in the game that its not free.
>> There are 3 reasons I can think of why users haven't donated.
>> 1. They can't afford to. I'm well aware that money is tight and that there
>> isn't a lot of spare cache in peoples wallets. If this is the case then how
>> about asking for it as an alternative  Christmas gift. I'm more than happy
>> to send out emails to users stating that someone has made a donation on
>> there behalf. Just get in contact with me via the website and we can work it
>> out.
>> 2. I'm not sure if users know how easy it is to make a donation. Remember
>> that you don't need to register to make a donation and your details are
>> completely secure. I never see any account details and all payments are
>> handled by a large trustworthy company. If you have concerns in this area
>> which have stopped you donating then again get in touch and I can answer any
>> questions you've got.
>> 3. You don't value the game. If this is the case then I'd love to here from
>> you to find out how I can improve it.
>> I can be contacted through my website or twitter, @n_a_soft
>> Thanks.
>> Nick.
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