By the way in reading your message, I can tell you a couple things.
First, hold the afterburner button down instead of pressing it. Your speed will increase markedly. You'll know you've reached maximum speed when the afterburner noise starts playing over and over again. Also, for some reason I still don't quite get, it seems like I can only move diagonally. When I move straight up, down, left and right, I don't get much change in audio. I'll ask my son. Really, what I need is to pay my daughter a couple bucks before I do the podcast and ask her some questions, another reason I want extensive feedback from you guys. There are boundaries your ship cannot cross, like walls. There are also asteroids. Sometimes, my ship actually gets stuck in an asteroid field, and I have to wiggle in all directions to get out. Once I had to use a tactical warp. The missions differ greatly. If you want the best scores and highest game money, play Fighter Battle. Freighter Raid is hard because ships are trying to escape--to get away from you. Destroyer attack is hard because they are all in one enormous fleet, and once you've found them they've probably scored so many hits that you die, respawning and having to hunt them down again. (Remembering where they were helps obviously, but I haven't scored much about 50 on this mission.) fleet battle and Destroyer Attack are essential missions to play for completing certain challenges, where you have to destroy a certain number of turrets. Just remember, hold down that afterburner button until you hear firing. At maximum speed, a firing ship can be in and out of hearing range very quickly, and even though the sounds are in 3d positioning it's hard to tell since the enemy ship's gun doesn't go through a lot of the sound spectrum. One last thing: listen for explosions. those are asteroids being destroyed, and inside most asteroids are gems--and there's a shooting ship nearby. I play with the music off, and am hoping for separate music volume control in the next version. It blocks too much of the others sounds out though, like the little snaps that indicate the picking up of gems, and so on.
Ken downey

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