On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 10:50 AM, michael kapelko <korn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We at OGS decided to keep everything in ~/.OGStudio/Mahjong to make it
> easier for an end user: it contains cfg, logs, savefiles, score table,
> etc.
> Where do you keep config, savefiles, downloadable content?

This has been discussed on this list before, without everyone coming
to an agreement. The project I work with (Warzone2100) has the same
issue: There is some user data that the user should have easy access
to, to be able to copy it between computers, send it to friends, or
install custom files, and we do not want to hide that away deep under
a hidden directory (.config) nor require super-user privileges to
access it (/usr/local). We also now use a hidden directory under the
user's home directory (~/.warzone2100-2.3 in our case), but neither we
nor distributions are very satisfied with this. The best would be a
non-hidden directory for this purpose, like 'Documents/Games' or
something else, similar to how it is done on the Windows platform.

  - Per
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