i'm working on a talk and trying to clean up our documentation in the
progress.  i'm really short on time right now so i thought i'd ask for
help.  below is the metric names, definitions and which platforms they
are supported on.  i was going through reading the source but it was
tedious but i got to mem_free.  linux and freebsd are complete.

can the irix, aix, tru64, hpux, darwin gurus step and make sure this
table is correct (from boottime to mem_free) and fill in any missing

it would be very appreciated.  i know you guys are busy too .. if you
don't have time now.. then i jump back into this later.


  Metric Name    Description                             Platforms
  boottime      System boot timestamp                    e
  bread_sec     Buffer reads per second                  s
  bwrite_sec    Buffer writes per second                 s
  bytes_in      Number of bytes in per second            l,f,s
  bytes_out     Number of bytes out per second           l,f,s
  cpu_aidle     Percent of time since boot idle CPU      l
  cpu_idle      Percent CPU idle                         e
  cpu_intr      Time spent processing interrupts         h
  cpu_nice      Percent CPU nice                         l,f,h,t
  cpu_num       Number of CPUs                           e
  cpu_speed     Speed in MHz of CPU                      e
  cpu_ssys      Time in kernel mode                      h
  cpu_system    Percent CPU system                       l,f,h,t,s
  cpu_user      Percent CPU user                         l,f,h,t,s
  cpu_wait      Time spent waiting                       h
  cpu_wio       Time spent in i/o wait                   s
  disk_free     Total free disk space                    l,f
  disk_total    Total available disk space               l,f
  load_fifteen  Fifteen minute load average              e
  load_five     Five minute load average                 e
  load_one      One minute load average                  e
  location      GPS coordinates for host                 e
  lread_sec     Linear reads per second                  s
  lwrite_sec    Linear writes per second                 s
  machine_type  Type of machine hardward (uname -m)      e
  mem_arm                                                h
  mem_buffers   Amount of buffered memory                l,f,i
  mem_cached    Amount of cached memory                  l,f,h
  mem_free      Amount of available memory               e
  mem_rm                                                 h
  mem_shared    Amount of shared memory                  l,f
  mem_total     Amount of available memory               l,f
  mem_vm                                                 h
  mtu           Network maximum transmission unit        l,f
  os_name       Operating system name                    l,f
  os_release    Operating system release (version)       l,f
  part_max_used Maximum percent used for all partitions  l,f
  phread_sec    Physical reads per second                s
  phwrite_sec   Physical writes per second               s
  pkts_in       Packets in per second                    l,f
  pkts_out      Packets out per second                   l,f
  proc_run      Total number of running processes        l,f
  proc_total    Total number of processes                l,f
  rcache        Read cache hit ratio                     s
  swap_free     Amount of available swap memory          l,f
  swap_total    Total amount of swap memory              l,f
  sys_clock     Current time on host                     l,f
  wcache        Write cache hit ratio                    s

  Platform key:
  l = Linux, f = FreeBSD, s = Solaris, a = AIX
  m = MacOS, i = IRIX, h = HPUX,  t = Tru64
  e = Every Platform

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