
I've recently taken over as the debian maintainer for ganglia-monitor, 
and a user has just a filed a bug with me concerning odd behaviour from 
the network traffic monitors on an Opteron based linux server. Every few 
hours the network load is recorded as jumping into the hundreds 
of Petabytes/s range for a minute or so then dropping back to more 
reasonable levels, as well as the packet counts. Apparently when running 
in 32 bit mode he sees normal behaviour. I'm working with him to 
troubleshoot this atm, but has anyone else seen similar behaviour with 
AMD64 hosts?

|  Stuart Teasdale      | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics   |
|  System Manager       | University of Oxford                         |
|  "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"      |

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