On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 09:58:05AM +0000, Stu Teasdale wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently taken over as the debian maintainer for ganglia-monitor, 
> and a user has just a filed a bug with me concerning odd behaviour from 
> the network traffic monitors on an Opteron based linux server. Every few 
> hours the network load is recorded as jumping into the hundreds 
> of Petabytes/s range for a minute or so then dropping back to more 
> reasonable levels, as well as the packet counts. Apparently when running 
> in 32 bit mode he sees normal behaviour. I'm working with him to 
> troubleshoot this atm, but has anyone else seen similar behaviour with 
> AMD64 hosts?
Looks we might have resolved this, the machine in question was resetting 
it's network interfaces every hour, which was sometimes triggering a 
wrap round problem with the counter in ganglia.

|  Stuart Teasdale      | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics   |
|  System Manager       | University of Oxford                         |
|  "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"      |

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