On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 06:42:01PM -0500, Brian Credeur wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wanted to follow-up on a discussion thread back in mid-September on 
> licensing of 3.0.1.  From that dicussion, there appears to be code from 
> a number of different licenses (BSD, GPL, LGPL, and Apache) and some 
> question as to how to best integrate them--or re-write if confilicts exist.
> Added to that discussion is the information on the Ganglia project page 
> at freshmeat, which shows different licenses (GPL and BSD) for various 
> branches and versions.  The most current branch is the 3.0.1 monitoring 
> core which shows GPL, however, most of the source references BSD.
> Does this mean that has been a concensus on how the 3.0.1 release is 
> licensed and if so that it is officially GPL?  Also, what is the plan 
> for licensing of future releases?

No, that's the result of an incorrect default.  I don't think there is a
plan at this point.  The GPL'd code in the linux support should take
less than a days work to replace if someone wants to do that.

> We have Ganglia running for some clients, to-date, and they are quite 
> happy with it.  We'd like to setup Ganglia at some other clients' 
> environments, but would like to be clear on the licensing for 
> installation, customization, etc.  I know they'll ask the question of me 
> and would like to have a good answer before-hand.  :-)

Unfortunatly, there doesn't seem to be a good answer at this point. :(

-- Brooks

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