
 3.0.4 will have the same Windows support as any 3.0.x before. We are
not contemplating to drop Windows from the supported platforms.

 Unfortunatelly, the level of interest in the different platforms
varies a lot. As far as I can see Windows is one of the less covered
platoforms for Ganglia. As is True64 or HP-UX - not much interest from
the "customers".

 But this is open-source. If you want to improve support for a
platform, get your hands dirty with coding :-)

 As for testing. Just test and report the results.


--- Vitaly Karasik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It seems like after Ganglia version 3.0  MS Windows support isn't in
> the
> focus of Ganglia developers - MS Windows isn't in the list of test
> platforms, for example.
> Is it right? 
> Is MS Windows still in Ganglia roadmap? In other words, is 3.0.4
> version
> will provide better MS Win support?
> Thanks,
> Vitaly

Martin Knoblauch
email: k n o b i AT knobisoft DOT de

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