Hi all,

Last December, I asked about getting a bug-fix into Ganglia
(bug #120, see [1]).

Through the following discussion, I had thought the consensus was that the 
code was basically OK and was ready to go in.

There was a few concerns, that the patch:

        might cause confusion on certain platforms, such as Windows
                (although I believe Matt's opinion was that this shouldn't 
prevent the code 
from going in)

        needed a is-not-NULL test before the free() 
                (adding this test is trivial).

But, apparently nothing has happened; or, at least, the bug hasn't been 

Is the including of this patch blocking on something?  Can I do anything to 
help out?



[1] http://bugzilla.ganglia.info/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=120

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