Hi Rick,

On Tuesday 06 March 2007 15:40, Richard Mohr wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 16:14 +0000, Paul Millar wrote:
> > I think that, like it or loath it, people may have legitimate reasons to
> > use the "/" character.  The are two specific use-cases I'm thinking of:
> > plotting disk-partition- and VO- statistics (but other probably exist).
> I can think of a third: Logically organizing related metrics.

I agree!  I think Ganglia could display its many graphs in a much cleaner 
fashion with the adoption of a hierarchy of metrics.

(As an aside, I'd point out that your use-case above is assigning additional 
semantics to the "/" character: that of a separator when "flattening" a 
hierarchy of metrics from a host.  That's perfectly legitimate, but the other 
two cases merely have the "/" as part of the name and no need for any 
additional semantics.)

> > To my mind, having to mangle metrics' titles is more ugly than gmetad
> > marking up any unrepresentable characters within a filename.
> Here is where I only partly agree with you Paul :-)

Aye...  :-)

> I agree that 
> mangling the filename is better than mangling the metric name, but I am
> not convinced that either is necessary.  I think the better solution is
> to fix gmetad so that it can store the metrics in a hierarchical fashion
> as well.

I'm in favour of hierarchical metrics and would be in favour of this, but I 
think there are two separate issues here: supporting hierarchies and 
supporting metrics with filesystem illegal (f/s-illegal) characters.

> I ran some tests using gmetric to submit a metric named
> "This/is/a/test".  Here is what I found
[snip: description of gmetad having a problem]

This is what I found, too.

> Problem #3 is the result of "rrdtool create <file>" not being able to
> create directories if <file> contains more than just a straight file
> name.  This could be fixed by having the RRD_create() function in
> rrd_helpers.c handle the directory creation.
> Problem #4 could be trickier to handle.  I am not familiar with the
> "filtering" aspect of gmetad's interactive port.  Since it uses a syntax
> like /cluster/host/metric, it may be difficult to determine where the
> metric begins if it contains "/" characters.
> As far as the web frontend goes, it looks like most of the PHP uses
> rawurlencode/rawurldecode to handle passing URL query parameters.  So it
> would probably require very little change to support metrics with "/" in
> them.
> And of course, there is also the issue of Windows support.  In that
> case, it would just be a matter of translating "/" to "\" in the file
> paths.

... and here's the rub.

Suppose I want to store a metric "A/s" and "A\s".  Both "A/s" and "A\s" are 
distinct metrics and neither is part of a hierarchy: they are both simple 
names (albeit awkward ones).

If a hierarchy was introduced, then one question is whether it support an 
escaping mechanism, to allow a "/" in a name?

If there is no escaping mechanism, then "A/s" would be forced into a 
hierarchy, which is wrong.  If the "/" is escaped (as "A\/s", say), then 
we're back to the original problem of how to store a metric with a 
literal "/", which is an illegal character within a (Linux VFS) filename.

With Windows it gets really confusing.  If one maps "/" to "\", then there 
will be no way to distinguish between "A/s" and "A\s", unless the names are 
escaped.  If they are escaped, then the same problem exists: how to store a 
literal "\" within a filename.  Windows is fun because one can concoct all 
manour of illegal metric names: a metric with any of the following characters 
should fail:  " / ? < " > \ : * |", although I've not tried them.

In summary: I'm generally in favour of (someone other than me :-) adding 
support for a hierarchy and using the directory structure to handle this 
hierarchy makes sense.  But this doesn't fix the problem mentioned in bug 
#120.  Certain characters are illegal under certain filesystems: "/" in 
Linux, "\" (and many others) under Windows.  If Ganglia is going to support 
metrics with these potentially f/s-illegal characters it needs some means to 
hiding them from the underlying filesystem.



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