>>> On 11/10/2007 at 11:11 AM, in message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Bernard Li"
> Hi Brad:
> On 11/10/07, Brad Nicholes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Don't think I will get to this one anytime soon. I just commented it out for 
> now.  I'm too deep into the XDR refactoring at the moment.  I'm also trying 
> to get ready for my presentations at ApacheCon next week.  BTW, after I get 
> back from Apachecon, I'll post my slides to the list if anyone is interested. 
>  Other than the same old 'this is how ganglia works' stuff which I am sure 
> others have done a better presentation job than me, the slides also describe 
> how  both the C and python module development is done.  Anyway, if anybody is 
> in the Atlanta area, drop on by the conference.  It ought to be a good one.  
> I'll also be giving a similar ganglia presentation at Mandevcon in Santa 
> Clara, CA the first week of Dec., if anybody in that area would like to get 
> together.
> Were the slides from your last talk ever posted in the Ganglia
> webpage?  Let's make sure we get these slides up there somewhere.

No, I didn't post the slide from UTOSC conference mainly because it was my 
first run through and I wanted to tweak some things for Apachecon before 
posting the slides. 

> BTW, meetup ~ first week of Dec sounds good -- I will be interested.
> On a different note, it looks like the cheapest way for me to go
> listen to your talk is ~1000 USD :-)

Yeah, the Mandev conference is a bit pricey.  It is a very academic conference 
as well.  If you are interested in CIM and what it is all about, then Mandev 
will give you everything you ever wanted to know.  My presentation at Mandev 
will have a real CIM slant on it which will be different from the Apachecon 
presentation which is purely a Ganglia talk.  The Mandev presentation will show 
what we have been doing to CIM enable Ganglia.  Kind of cool if you are 
interested in that sort of thing :)


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