On Feb 13, 2008 11:46 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Jesse Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> You said the only patching would be to include this script in
> get_context.php and graph.php.  So, I take that to mean that
> get_context.php and graph.php would still access values in $_GET like
> they currently do, but these would be modified by santize.php.

Yes and no.  This file will be included by anything that is
"front-facing".  So index.php and graph.php like I mentioned, but also
the host_view, cluster_view, etc files.  Not a big deal though.

Right now, the idea is to *NOT* change any data, just accept or reject
based on some basic type checking.  $_GET (et al) remain available to
the other scripts (index.php, et al), but non-validated data is
removed.  Essentially, something exists in $_GET if, and only if, it
has explicitly been declared "okay."

> I think it'd be clearer to do everything in one place.  Then, the only
> script that touches $_GET/$_COOKIE is sanitize.php, and all other
> scripts use variables that it makes available.  That way you have only
> 1 place where user input is touched, and $_GET continues to be what
> you'd expect: raw user input.

Exactly.  Now, if we decide to do any sort of "cleanup", that could be
either a separate stage (maybe "clean.php"), or left to the relevant
sections of the other code.

> In the foreach() loop, if a $_GET value is found to be valid (the if()
> condition is true), put the value in a $clean array, using the same
> key as $_GET/$_COOKIE.  All other code should use these values from
> the $clean array rather than the current local variables.  When
> reading other scripts, this convention makes it clear that a variable
> is user input, and that it has been put through appropriate checks.

That's a thought, and not difficult to do.  It would mean changing all
other code that currently uses $_GET to use $clean.  Not a big
deal--just a big search and replace.  (Options like this are why I'm
asking for input--I thought of doing it both ways, but wasn't sure
which would be preferred in this case.)

> If a value is invalid, maybe create the key in $clean with a sane
> default value, or a null if no sensible default is possible.  Code
> that wanted to use something in $clean then wouldn't need to do lots
> of isset() checking.  This is pretty much what get_context.php and
> graph.php already do.

Default values are an issue.  The should be handled in a different
step though.  This could be part of a "clean" stage, to ensure that
everything that needs to be set is, in fact, set.

> Won't the INT, FLOAT, and NUMBER checks in valid_parameter() always be
> true?  (float)$value would always be a float.

Hmm...true.  I was thinking of the case where where you have something like:


What is the floating point representation of a bovine?

I'll need to go back and check on type casting.  I was trying to avoid
using regexes for generic validation tests, but looks like that might
be the way to go.

> The BOOL check is allowing a 1 or 0, not an actual boolean.  If I saw
> a value being validated as BOOL, I'd expect it to be a boolean, not a
> 1 or a 0.  Mostly it doesn't matter since PHP is so loose with types,
> but the broken 'Show Hosts' bug in 3.0.6 shows that the difference
> does matter in some cases.

This is an issue with the is_bool() PHP function.  It actually wants a
true boolean value of True of False, not a string that is "0" or "1".
Most/All of this data in $_GET is ultimately handled as string values.
 For things like the "show hosts" flag, we aren't given real boolean
values; we are given a string.  More regex fodder...

> error_log calls should identify where they are coming from.
> Alternately, you could trigger_error( "message", E_USER_WARNING ).
> That automatically adds information about file and line number where
> the error occurred.

Noted.  Will add.

> Hope that's helpful,

Very much so.  Thanks.

Jesse Becker
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