Quoting Jesse Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Feb 13, 2008 11:46 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Quoting Jesse Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> Won't the INT, FLOAT, and NUMBER checks in valid_parameter() always be
>> true?  (float)$value would always be a float.
> Hmm...true.  I was thinking of the case where where you have something like:
>   $float_var="cow";
>   is_float($float_var);
> What is the floating point representation of a bovine?


> I'll need to go back and check on type casting.  I was trying to avoid
> using regexes for generic validation tests, but looks like that might
> be the way to go.

All the is_* functions check for a variable's type.  Everything in  
$_GET is a string to start with, so mostly these functions don't work  
for this kind of validation.  (is_numeric() being an exception.)  This  
is the nice thing about the ctype_* functions.  In addition to being  
faster, they're designed to work with strings.

You can do something like this :

if( (string)(float)$value === $value ) {
   $valid = True;

If $value was a legitimate float to begin with, it will be unchanged  
by the cast, and the condition will be true.  If $value contained  
non-float'ing bovine-ish stuff, then it'll be mangled by the cast and  
no longer match $value.  I have no idea how that is performance-wise,  
but I'm guessing it's pretty cheap.

I agree that simply answering the question "is this value in an  
expected format", and making no attempt to santize/modify the value or  
substitute defaults for bad values, is the most bullet-proof way to  
go.  But, it does mean that we will sometimes have input which makes  
rendering the page impossible.  (Maybe I access graph.php with no  
arguments at all?)

In that case, it should probably be sanitize.php's job to kill  
execution, possibly with some error message.  Thoughts?


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