>>> On 7/2/2008 at 5:22 PM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Carlo
Marcelo Arenas Belon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following proposed patch for stable 3.1, removes all references to C/C++
> as a supported language for building DSO metrics as it was meaningless and
> only relevant when used with scripted metric modules.
> It simplifies the code by making "language" an optional parameter and 
> includes
> feedback from Brad into the documentation.
> Contains changes from r1490 and r1500
> Carlo
> ---


The more I look at this, the more I would rather that the changes be reverted 
and we just leave it alone.  AFAICT, the only issue here is whether the "/C++" 
portion of the language label "C/C++" is misleading enough to cause a developer 
to waste a significant amount of time attempting to write a module in C++ only 
to find out that it can't be done today.  Since this language label only 
appears as an optional parameter to the language directive in a module block as 
well as being referenced in the module configuration documentation of Gmond, I 
seriously doubt that these references are going to cause any developer serious 
heartache in the short term.  There have already been patches committed to 
trunk to support the development of a C++ module and these patches have already 
been proposed for backport in the next minor revision.  So all we are really 
talking about is a very slight misuse of the label "C/C++" between the actual 
release of 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 which will probably only s
 pan just a few months at the most.  Also to my knowledge, I am the only one 
that has ever written a "C/C++" class module (so far) and since I am completely 
aware that developing a module in C++ is not supported yet, I don't believe 
that we are misleading many developers in anyway.  There was an issue raised on 
the mailing list where a developer was attempting to compile a C language 
module with a C++ compiler, but the obvious solution was to switch to the 
correct compiler, not change code and documentation.

At the very worst, the choice of the term 'language' as a directive name is 
really the issue.  As I explained before, gmond only supports one interface and 
that is "C/C++" (yes, C++ is not fully supported today, but will be very soon). 
 All gmond needs to know is if it should handle the module loading or not.  The 
term 'language' was chosen because it seemed like the easiest way to 
communicate to an administrator what kind of value was expected for this 
directive.  We could have used one of the terms 'Class', 'ModuleClass' or 
'ModuleType' rather than 'Language' to accomplish the same thing.  It really 
doesn't matter what the term ultimately is, we just needed some way to inform 
not only gmond but also every other module interface plugin which module 
configuration blocks each plugin needs to handle.  At the very most, I would 
consider changing the configuration directive term from 'language' to 
'ModuleClass' or 'ModuleType', but that is really all that might need to be 
done to
  resolve the issue.  As it stands, the term 'Language' is probably good enough 
and whether the language label is "C/C++" rather than "C", really doesn't 
matter.  Especially after we release 3.1.2.  For now I would suggest that we 
revert the changes and add one sentence to the documentation that simply states 
that C++ is not fully support yet, but will be very soon.


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