On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Ramon Bastiaans
<ramon.bastia...@sara.nl> wrote:
> When I make an aggregate graph which has a Y-axis label containing the "#"
> character, it works fine under the "Aggregate Graphs" tab.
> However, if I add that graph to a "view" using the "+" button, it does not
> display properly anymore.
> Removing the "#" from the Y-axis label in view_name.json fixes the issue.
> Perhaps there is a escaping issue somewhere.
> --
> ing. R. Bastiaans, B.ICT
> * Senior Systems Programmer
> * Operations, Support and Development
> Science Park 140     PO Box 94613
> 1098 XG Amsterdam NL 1090 GP Amsterdam NL
> P.+31 (0)20 592 3000 F.+31 (0)20 668 3167

Please create an issue for this here:



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