Thank you Vladimir and Devon. Much appreciated.

+2 for these below initiatives.
 * changing the data serialization format from XML to one that is easier /
faster to parse,
 * using a different data structure than a hash table for metrics
hierarchies (probably a tree with metrics stored at each level in
contiguous memory and an index describing each metric at each level)

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Vladimir Vuksan <> wrote:

>  Hello everyone,
> For few weeks now we have had performance issues due to growth of our
> monitoring setup. One of my colleagues Devon O'Dell volunteered to help and
> below is an e-mail of his findings.
> We'll submit a pull request once we are comfortable with the changes
> Vladimir
> ==== Forwarded message ====
> Vlad emailed some time ago about issues we're having with Ganglia
> performance. Over the past couple weeks, I spent some time figuring out how
> Ganglia works and attempting to identify / solve the performance issues.
> The issue is fundamentally one of scale: the number of metrics we monitor
> times the number of servers we have (times the number of metrics we sum!)
> ends up being a large number.
>  The Ganglia core is comprised of two daemons, `gmond` and `gmetad`.
> `Gmond` is primarily responsible for sending and receiving metrics;
> `gmetad` carries the hefty task of summarizing / aggregating the
> information, writing the metrics information to graphing utilities (such as
> RRD), and reporting summary metrics to the web front-end. Due to growth
> some metrics were never updating, and front-end response time was abysmal.
> These issues are tied directly to `gmetad`.
>  In our Ganglia setup, we run a `gmond` to collect data for every machine
> and several `gmetad` processes:
>   * An interactive `gmetad` process is responsible solely for reporting
> summary statistics to the web interface.
>  * Another `gmetad` process is responsible for writing graphs.
>  Initially, I spent a large amount of time using the `perf` utility to
> attempt to find the bottleneck in the interactive `gmetad` service. I found
> that the hash table implementation in `gmetad` leaves a lot to be desired:
> apart from very poor behavior in the face of concurrency, it also is the
> wrong datastructure to use for this purpose. Unfortunately, fixing this
> would require rewriting large swaths of Ganglia, so this was punted.
> Instead, Vlad suggested we simply reduce the number of summarized metrics
> by explicitly stating which metrics are summarized.
>  This improved the performance of the interactive process (and thus of
> the web interface), but didn't address other issues: graphs still weren't
> updating properly (or at all, in some cases). Running `perf` on the
> graphing `gmetad` process revealed that the issue was largely one of
> serialization: although we had thought we had configured `gmetad` to use
> `rrdcached` to improve caching performance, the way that Ganglia calls
> librrd doesn't actually end up using rrdcached -- `gmetad` was writing
> directly to disk every time, forcing us to spin in the kernel.
> Additionally, librrd isn't thread-safe (and its thread-safe API is broken).
> All calls to the RRD API are serialized, and each call to create or update
> not only hit disk, but prevented any other thread from calling create or
> update. We have 47 threads running at any time, all generally trying to
> write data to an RRD file.
>  Modifying gmetad to call the proper librrd function to call into
> rrdcached helped a little, but most threads were still spending all their
> time spinning on locks: although we were writing to rrdcached now, we were
> doing so over a single file descriptor to a unix domain socket. This forced
> the kernel to serialize the reads and writes from all the different threads
> to the single file descriptor. The only reason we gained any performance
> was due to not hitting disk.
>  To solve this problem, I made rrdcached listen on a TCP socket and gave
> every thread in gmetad its own file descriptor to connect to rrdcached.
> This allowed every thread to write to rrdcached without locking for updates
> (creating new RRDs still requires holding a lock and calling into librrd).
> This worked, and I suspect that we'll be able to move forward for some time
> with these changes. They are running on (censored) right now, and we'll
> leave them running for a while to make sure they're good before pushing the
> patches upstream.
>  In the process of doing this, I noticed that ganglia used a particularly
> poor method for reading its XML metrics from gmond: It initialized a
> 1024-byte buffer, read into it, and if it would overflow, it would realloc
> the buffer with an additional 1024 bytes and try reading again. When
> dealing with XML files many megabytes in size, this caused many unnecessary
> reallocations. I modified this code to start with a 128KB buffer and double
> the buffer size when it runs out of space. (I made a similar change to the
> code for decompressing gzip'ed data that used a similar buffer sizing
> paradigm).
>  After all these changes, both the interactive and RRD-writing processes
> spend most of their time in the hash table. I can continue improving
> Ganglia performance, but most of the low hanging fruit is now gone; at some
> me point it will require:
>  * writing a version of librrd (this probably also means changing the rrd
> file format),
>   * replacing the hash table in Ganglia with one that performs better,
>  * changing the data serialization format from XML to one that is easier /
> faster to parse,
>  * using a different data structure than a hash table for metrics
> hierarchies (probably a tree with metrics stored at each level in
> contiguous memory and an index describing each metric at each level)
>  * refactoring gmetad and gmond into a single process that shares memory
>  These are all longer-term projects, but I think that they'll probably
> eventually be useful.
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