2013/12/7 Chris Burroughs <chris.burrou...@gmail.com>:
> Thank you Devon and Vladimir for starting this thread.  We (AddThis)
> have been struggling with gmetad performance and stability for a while
> and I'm personally excited to see the focus here.  I'll explain briefly
> how we are using ganglia for context and then have inline comments.

Hi Chris, nice to see you here!

> We have two data centers each with over a dozen clusters.  Each of these
> clusters are polled by a gmetad that does not store any rrds (only used
> for alerting) and one that writes out rrds & satisfies queries gweb.
> There is also a "grid" gmetad that polls DC1 and DC2's gmetad and writes
> out a copy of RRDs for all data centers at somewhat less granularity.
> This is used instead of federation so when a DC goes down we still have
> access to it's metrics so we can figure out what happened.  I believe
> this is called "non-scalable" mode or something like that.
> Each "grid" gmetad is also forwarding all of it's metrics to a graphite
> instance.  Between the two DCs we currently have about 620k metrics.
> Our primary problems are around gmetad hanging and no longer polling a
> cluster, and gaps in graphs (particularly by the time the metrics get to
> graphite).  Since the gaps show up on large monitors with dashboards
> they cause a lot of complaints.

This sounds slightly different from our problem, but after having read
more of the email and responding through it, I am confident that these
changes will help with your problems as well. (But you will need to
use rrdcached.)

> On 12/06/2013 03:36 PM, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:
>> The Ganglia core is comprised of two daemons, `gmond` and `gmetad`. `Gmond` 
>> is
>> primarily responsible for sending and receiving metrics; `gmetad` carries the
>> hefty task of summarizing / aggregating the information, writing the metrics
>> information to graphing utilities (such as RRD), and reporting summary 
>> metrics
>> to the web front-end. Due to growth some metrics were never updating, and
>> front-end response time was abysmal. These issues are tied directly to 
>> `gmetad`.
> Were these failures totally random or grouped in some way?  (Same
> cluster, type, etc).

They weren't random, from what I saw. Larger clusters with more
metrics simply took longer to generate metrics for than our polling
period (which is rather short). I'm not sure whether that resulted in
gmetad always thinking the cluster was down or what, but effectively,
the summary rrds never got updated for these hosts. I never drilled
down to see whether this affected other RRDs than summary ones but I
suspect it did.

We were polling every 10 seconds, and it was taking over 2 minutes to
finish parsing the XML (which includes writing the RRDs). With my
changes, the 10 second poll is feasible.

>> In our Ganglia setup, we run a `gmond` to collect data for every machine and
>> several `gmetad` processes:
>>    * An interactive `gmetad` process is responsible solely for reporting 
>> summary
>> statistics to the web interface.
>>    * Another `gmetad` process is responsible for writing graphs.
> Are these two gmetad process co-located on the same server?  I think
> this is an interesting option that I at least was not aware of.

They are indeed.

> Did you go with this setup to alleviate the problems described above or
> for other reasons?

I'll let Vlad speak to that, but I imagine that it helps significantly
given the poor concurrency properties of the current hash table

>> Initially, I spent a large amount of time using the `perf` utility to 
>> attempt to
>> find the bottleneck in the interactive `gmetad` service. I found that the 
>> hash
>> table implementation in `gmetad` leaves a lot to be desired: apart from very
>> poor behavior in the face of concurrency, it also is the wrong datastructure 
>> to
>> use for this purpose. Unfortunately, fixing this would require rewriting 
>> large
>> swaths of Ganglia, so this was punted. Instead, Vlad suggested we simply 
>> reduce
>> the number of summarized metrics by explicitly stating which metrics are 
>> summarized.
> I strongly suspect a lot of blame should fall on the hash table.  I
> think it's likely the cause of the hangs we have observed in
> https://github.com/ganglia/monitor-core/issues/47 and Daniel Pocock has
> seen problems with it as far back as 2009.

Most of the user CPU time is indeed spent in the hash table, but most
of the CPU time in general ends up being spent writing RRDs. This is
due to filesystem locking in the kernel generated by the stat(2) calls
every time we want to write an RRD, as well as the poor performance of
straight librrd. (But I'll get to that in a minute in the rrdcached

> Most of my experience is with python and java which have fancy abstract
> base classes, collection hierarchies, and whatnot.  Even  though a hash
> table does not have the best properties, wouldn't it be relativity easy
> to drop in a better one?

Yes, this is something I intend to do soon. I'm not sure what kind of
portability targets are required for gmetad; I was intending to build
one on top of Concurrency Kit's excellent hash set.

>> This improved the performance of the interactive process (and thus of the web
>> interface), but didn't address other issues: graphs still weren't updating
>> properly (or at all, in some cases). Running `perf` on the graphing `gmetad`
>> process revealed that the issue was largely one of serialization: although we
>> had thought we had configured `gmetad` to use `rrdcached` to improve caching
>> performance, the way that Ganglia calls librrd doesn't actually end up using
>> rrdcached -- `gmetad` was writing directly to disk every time, forcing us to
>> spin in the kernel. Additionally, librrd isn't thread-safe (and its 
>> thread-safe
>> API is broken). All calls to the RRD API are serialized, and each call to 
>> create
>> or update not only hit disk, but prevented any other thread from calling 
>> create
>> or update. We have 47 threads running at any time, all generally trying to 
>> write
>> data to an RRD file.
> Frankly I don't understand rrdcached.  The OS already has a fancy
> substytem for keeping frequencly accessed data in memory.  If we are
> dealing with a lot of files (instead of a database with indexes where
> the applicaiton might have more information than the OS) why fight with
> it? (Canonical rant: https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/wiki/ArchitectNotes)

Our speed problems aren't with reading the data though, they're with
writing it -- so keeping the frequently accessed data in memory isn't
such a big deal. Similarly, with the writes, the amount of RRD we have
exceeds the amount of memory we have (256GB), and the write load is
effectively random, so there's no way that all of them are going to
stay in the cache.

> Anyway we have had much better luck with tuning the page cache and
> disabling fsync for gmetad.
> http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool-trac/wiki/TuningRRD  Adminitedly at least
> some of the problems we had with rrdcached could have been due to the
> issues you have identified.

Even with librrd using mmap(2) and friends, there's a lot of system
call overhead as the RRD file is open(2)ed, locked, and then written
to. gmetad also serializes every thread around the calls to librrd, so
if you are updating hundreds of thousands of metrics, you have
contention from every data_thread on the rrd_mutex. The new code using
rrdcached is wait-free from gmetad's perspective: every thread can
make progress as long as it can talk to rrdcached. I know that
librrd_th exists; I started with that and it simply didn't work

I'm also not convinced that increasing the dirty page flush delay will
help better than rrdcached does. Ganglia's RRD updates are very small
and tons of them fit on a single page. This would fix things for a
while, until you actually needed to do a page flush (which you've
delayed for a long time). At that point, those pages are going to be
locked and writes to the memory-mapped region will block for a longer
time while more pages are being flushed. I would imagine the symptoms
of this to be random spots of missing / less granular metrics because
the time to write them exceeded the validity of the metric. And
indeed, when I measured, most of the overall execution time was gmetad
waiting on locks in the VM and VFS layers for stat(2), read(2), and
write(2) calls. Based on your introduction paragraph, it sounds like
that's the kind of behavior you're seeing.

Combined with the fact that there's so much lock contention from every
data thread trying to write metrics, even if I'm wrong about the whole
preceding paragraph, the current approach simply unnecessarily starves
writers. Talking natively to rrdcached removes that starvation and
reduces the need for VFS/VM tuning (that will affect other things
running on the same system).

>> In the process of doing this, I noticed that ganglia used a particularly poor
>> method for reading its XML metrics from gmond: It initialized a 1024-byte
>> buffer, read into it, and if it would overflow, it would realloc the buffer 
>> with
>> an additional 1024 bytes and try reading again. When dealing with XML files 
>> many
>> megabytes in size, this caused many unnecessary reallocations. I modified 
>> this
>> code to start with a 128KB buffer and double the buffer size when it runs 
>> out of
>> space. (I made a similar change to the code for decompressing gzip'ed data 
>> that
>> used a similar buffer sizing paradigm).
> This sounds like a solid find.  I'm a little worried about the doubling
> though since as you said the responses can get quiet large.  Is there a
> max buffer size?

No, because we already have to read the whole XML buffer before we can
process it. The XML parser has to validate teh whole document. There
might be a streaming interface to libxml, but I'd rather fix the usage
of XML than fix the XML parsing to be better.

This just improves performance at the (possible) cost of memory. I
don't know exactly how much XML we have coming in, but I think it's
probably somewhere on the order of 100MB several times per minute. The
overhead of the hash table is larger than the parsing buffer, and I
expect people with workloads like this will want lots of RAM in their
machines doing this processing work anyway. So I'm not too worried
about the memory requirements. For small metric payloads, they're not
increased a lot.

As far as DoS vectors that could have previously been exploited prior
to that change, there are already a ton. Eventually it'd be nice to
get the codebase to "modern" standards (for whatever that means), but
I'm taking baby steps.

> Does your fix also handle the case of gmetad polling other gmetad?

If that goes through data_thread, yes.

>> After all these changes, both the interactive and RRD-writing processes spend
>> most of their time in the hash table. I can continue improving Ganglia
>> performance, but most of the low hanging fruit is now gone; at some me point 
>> it
>> will require:
>>    * writing a version of librrd (this probably also means changing the rrd 
>> file
>> format),
> I think something got cut off here.

a new version

>>    * replacing the hash table in Ganglia with one that performs better,
> I enthusiastically embrace this change!

I'm planning on doing this after I do live config reloading, which
might be a bigger pain in the ass than I thought. Hoping to get that
done this evening, though.

>>    * changing the data serialization format from XML to one that is easier /
>> faster to parse,
> A common request is to support multiple formats (json).  I admit I'm a
> little surprised that the actual parsing is a significant cost relative
> to all of the other work that has to be done.

It might turn out to be not much of one once the hash table is fixed.
But parsing XML isn't cheap compared to other formats.

>>    * using a different data structure than a hash table for metrics 
>> hierarchies
>> (probably a tree with metrics stored at each level in contiguous memory and 
>> an
>> index describing each metric at each level)
> As you said this is a large change but likely a very beneficial one.  I
> think it would be particular interesting if we could pre-generate
> indexes that would be useful to gweb.

Could you expound on this? I'm not sure what this means.

> Down the road a new data structure might also make it easier to support
> keeping the last n data points so that we didn't have to worry about the
> polling time interval dance so much.  That's more of a new feature than
> directly relevant to these performance issues though.

I think that's only a problem because of the very weak thread-safety
semantics of the current codebase. By that I mean it's thread safe,
but there's so much copying and swapping of data going on that
additional threads don't help out so much. (Indeed, I think most of
the problems we had would go away if we just ran a single gmetad for
every data source, but that's no fun).

>>    * refactoring gmetad and gmond into a single process that shares memory
> I'm not sure I folow this one.  While the node with gmetad likely also
> has gmond, gmond typically runs alone.  The local gmond is also not
> necessarily reporting directly to the co-located gmetad.

I'll let Vlad cover this; it was his suggestion and I like shared memory.

> Thanks you get Devon for digging into this and I'm excited to try out
> some of the changes.

No worries! Though I haven't sent a pull request yet, the code is
real! I realize there's a lot of talk here and no code, so if anyone's
concerned about that:


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