ConcurrencyKit has recently become a dependency for Ganglia builds and
may be a dependency in the 3.7.0 release series and beyond.

ConcurrencyKit version 0.3.5 and 0.4.1 fail to build on many platforms:

v0.3.5 in sid:

v0.4.1 in experimental:

It doesn't even build on i386 so far and appears to be unsupported on
the non-Intel architectures:

I've queried this with the ConcurrencyKit forum:!topic/concurrencykit/I34MWr_mK8Q

but I don't have the time to clean up Concurrency Kit myself.

I have the feeling that this will not be popular with some users and I'm
not confident supporting newer versions of the packages in Debian if the
dependencies require significant extra work.

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