Dear Ganglia community:

Was browsing our SourceForge website and found this description of the project:

"Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for
high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is
based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters.
Supports clusters up to 2000 nodes in size."

The part I want to focus on is "Supports clusters up to 2000 nodes in size."

I suppose this was probably written a while back and I would like to
update it -- so if you have an installation monitoring more than 2000
hosts, do let us know and we'll update the description with the
largest installation from the community :)

So far I have yet to hear of anybody reaching a ceiling in terms of
scaling Ganglia installations once the usual steps of putting rrds in
ramdisk/tmpfs -- do let us know if you learn otherwise!



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