Hi James:

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 12:23 PM, James Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Currently we have about 5,500 individual nodes being monitored via a few
> physical 'gmetad' servers. We have several Gmetad processes running on
> each of the physical boxes, including a 'Rollup' Gmetad that brings all
> of them together. The total RRD file size across all of the servers is
> currently 3.2GB :-)

You must have quite a bit of RAM on the server running the 'Rollup'
Gmetad, and you definitely want to backup the data on the ramdisk
quite frequently as losing 3.2GB of data won't be nice :)

> I am not up to speed on the RRDTool development, can you briefly let me
> know about what specific I/O enhancements are upcoming?

You can read about it in their wiki page:


Maybe I'll setup another gmetad server w/ 1.3RC1 to poll our
production hosts and see what statistics I can come up with.



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