the mcast_join should be the multicast network you want to broadcast on, like an ip address. It shouldn't be the gmetad machine... at least not on multicast.

try putting the networks on different ips. see if that helps.

On Jul 1, 2008, at 9:59 AM, Marcelo M. Garcia wrote:


A few time ago I wrote to the list asking about how to monitor a bunch
of machines. The problem I had (and I still have) is that the
"data_sources" were mixing, by this I mean, despite I declared 2
"data_sources" (porting and testing) with different list of machines,
they were duplicated in both sources. I imagine that this happened
because all the computers are in the same network with default
configuration, broadcast to IP address

Later I found a IBM wiki page[1] where became clear that my problem was
with the proper configuration of the send and receive channels. In
another document[2], the information is little bit more explicit. But if I simply put the machines in "mcast_join" field, the gmond does not send
any value, when it starts!

The configuration that I'm trying is something like this:
data_source "porting" swirl
data_source "testing" mars venus
The gmetad is running in "newt".

With the "/etc/gmond.conf" likes this:
/* Feel free to specify as many udp_send_channels as you like.  Gmond
  used to only support having a single channel */
udp_send_channel {
 mcast_join = newt
 port = 8649
 ttl = 1
I have not section "udp_recv_channel" since my machines just send data
to gmetad.

If I try to look at gmond with "newt$ telnet venus 8649", there is no
information at all.

Does anyone have an idea of it is happening?Am I missing something about
this channels?


Marcelo Garcia

[1] ganglia

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