Seth has described one method to go about it.  I would also strongly
recommend you take a look at gmetad-python which is a Python re-write
of gmetad and the code exists in our development branch:

One of the cool things of the re-write is that it has a plugin
interface much like the DSO interface for gmond, meaning how you deal
with metrics data collected by gmetad can be implemented via plugins.
Storing the metrics data in RRD format is implemented as a plugin so
you could simply write your own plugin to store the data in MySQL,
cassandra or even flat files.  Another cool thing you can do is send
alerts if a particular metric has reached a certain threshold.

Please try it out if you are interested.  We are aiming to make an
release which includes gmetad-python in the near future, so please
stay tuned.



On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Seth Graham <> wrote:
> Yes,  because all of the ganglia data is stored in an xml format. You telnet 
> to a gmetad or gmond process and get a dump of everything that daemon knows 
> about. Makes it easy to write additional tools because xml parsers are a dime 
> a dozen.
> It's fast enough to be used in a web page.. I use it for everything from 
> monitoring kernel versions to system uptime for a "tactical overview" page 
> that helps monitor around 3500 machines.
> On Dec 9, 2010, at 11:57 AM, O G wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is Ganglia written in a way that let's one use its data gathering 
>> capabilities, but not data storage and graphing?
>> For example, can one write some sort of Ganglia component or plugin that 
>> takes data collected from any of its built-in or other components and sends 
>> it somewhere else (a different file, a different database, out over the 
>> network, etc.) instead of having the data being written by Ganglia to RRD 
>> files and later graphed from there?
>> Thanks,
>> Otis
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