On Mar 1, 2011, at 11:26 AM, William Saxton wrote:

> Hi all (potential) new ganglia user here, with a couple quick questions 
> that I couldn't find the answers to via google.
> 1) Where can I find how ganglia gathers information from a system?  

Well, it's an open source project, so you can find it by cracking open the 
source files. 

The stuff you're interested in is in the "libmetrics" directroy.

> 2) Does anyone have any experience with using ganglia, just as a backend 
> for storage of RRD data, but then using their own custom front-end?  

Ganglia is structured well enough that you can easily remove any piece you 
don't want. The web interface is completely optional.. if you can parse xml and 
run rrdtool, making your own frontend is trivial.

Likewise, if all you need is the xml, you can eliminate the gmetad portion and 
query gmond directly.

Last, gmond uses a module system for collecting system metrics, allowing you to 
strip out anything you don't want and build your data collection up from 
scratch (it is a little restrictive on payload size but other than that, the 
sky's the limit).

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