Hey list; 

so here's the scoop: i have a server running 1 gmetad and 3 instances of gmond, 
(as i understand it, a "master" gmond needs to be running to forward data to 
gmetad for each cluster?) intending to gather data from hosts of 3 different 
specifications on 3 separate subnets and sort them into 3 different clusters in 
the same grid. this is all using unicast as i couldn't get multicast to work 
for even a single cluster. 

basically any client gmond running on a server in the same subnet as the 
gathering server (including itself) works perfectly fine; however, any client 
gmond running on a host on a different subnet than the gmetad / gmond master 
server for that cluster does not work at all. using tcpdump i have found that 
the packets do arrive at the correct port on the master server, the packets 
just don't seem to make it to gmetad for processing / storage. any ideas? 

running gmonds or gmetads in debug mode don't provide me with any useful 
information about my issue. 

also, is there a way to make the "master" not show up in each cluster? 



#debug_level 9999 
data_source "servers" 
data_source "workstations" 
data_source "blades" 
gridname "NYC" 
server_threads 10 
case_sensitive_hostnames 1 

gmond.conf (working subnet): 

globals { 
daemonize = yes 
setuid = yes 
user = ganglia 
debug_level = 0 
max_udp_msg_len = 1472 
mute = no 
deaf = no 
allow_extra_data = yes 
host_dmax = 0 /*secs */ 
cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */ 
gexec = no 
send_metadata_interval = 5 
cluster { 
name = "servers" 
owner = "unspecified" 
latlong = "unspecified" 
url = "unspecified" 
host { 
location = "nyc" 
udp_send_channel { 
host = 
port = 8650 
ttl = 1 
udp_recv_channel { 
port = 8650 
bind = 
tcp_accept_channel { 
port = 8650 
<snipped the metrics> 

gmond2.conf (only client registering is the master host, which i'd like to not 
happen, but would like to first get the other clients on there): 

globals { 
daemonize = yes 
setuid = yes 
user = ganglia 
debug_level = 0 
max_udp_msg_len = 1472 
mute = no 
deaf = no 
allow_extra_data = yes 
host_dmax = 0 /*secs */ 
cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */ 
gexec = no 
cluster { 
name = "workstations" 
owner = "unspecified" 
latlong = "unspecified" 
url = "unspecified" 
host { 
location = "nyc" 
udp_send_channel { 
host = 
port = 8649 
ttl = 1 
udp_recv_channel { 
port = 8649 
bind = 
tcp_accept_channel { 
port = 8649 
<snipped again the metrics> 

gmond3.conf (same deal, the master shows up as a client but nothing else): 

globals { 
daemonize = yes 
setuid = yes 
user = ganglia 
debug_level = 0 
max_udp_msg_len = 1472 
mute = no 
deaf = no 
allow_extra_data = yes 
host_dmax = 0 /*secs */ 
cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */ 
gexec = no 
send_metadata_interval = 0 /*secs */ 
cluster { 
name = "blades" 
owner = "unspecified" 
latlong = "unspecified" 
url = "unspecified" 
host { 
location = "nyc" 
udp_send_channel { 
host = 
port = 8648 
udp_recv_channel { 
port = 8648 
bind = 
tcp_accept_channel { 
port = 8648 



globals { 
daemonize = yes 
setuid = yes 
user = ganglia 
debug_level = 0 
max_udp_msg_len = 1472 
mute = no 
deaf = no 
host_dmax = 0 /*secs */ 
cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */ 
gexec = no 
cluster { 
name = "workstations" 
owner = "unspecified" 
latlong = "unspecified" 
url = "unspecified" 
host { 
location = "nyc" 
udp_send_channel { 
host = 
port = 8649 
ttl = 1 
udp_recv_channel { 
port = 8649 
tcp_accept_channel { 
port = 8649 


etc etc. the other non working subnet's port 8648, the config file looks the 
same with the port number changed as appropriate. 

any help would be greatly appreciated guys, 

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