Hi! I installed and tried a simple configuration and it seems that i
missed something :
so i have the aggregator named monitor
the gmond from monitor have the cluster id of "ISS Misc"
to this gmond i have another gmond with the same id that send data.

on the monitor gmetad i have two sources :
the local gmond and an older rocks installation with ganglia in place
data_source "ISS MONITOR" localhost:8649
data_source "ALICE-ISS"

the problem is that i have empty graphs for the data from local gmond
(local host + external server):

a nc on localhost 8649 return a valid xml but with all values 0..

any idea what can be wrong?

Also, i tried to take data directly from gmond to gmond .. it seems that
it didnt worked as expected : fro the older cluster the head gmond is in
multicast network with the rest of the nodes .. so when i added a send
channel to "monitor" gmond i would have expected to see all hosts from
that cluster in under their group of "cluster id" .. it didnt happened
... is this expected?

Thanks a lot!

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