On Dec 1, 2008, at 12:28 PM, Steve McKibben wrote:

> Meyer loves to pin the KO returner in a corner and stop them short  
> of the twenty, or even the ten if we can.  He's a field position  
> maniac. But I hope that the facts that 'bama is not a quick strike  
> team, the seeming slump by our KO coverage team, a very good Tide  
> return man in Arinas, and a dry ball convinces him to tell Sturgis  
> to put the kickoffs into the stands behind the goalposts!

Has that been what has been going on?

I have wondered all year why the kicker with the strongest leg on  
earth has been unable to kick a ball off of a tee into the end zone.

We have had a strange # of kick-offs head out of bounds as well.


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