I don't play the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" game.  For example, Arkansas is going around now and saying - if that personal foul call had not been made - Arkansas would have won the game. 
From: "Ken Kirkley" <k...@kirkley.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 12:25:40 -0500
To: <gatortalk@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: "Just win"

If Tebow doesn't fumble on the 2 against UT, we are up 31-6 and win going away.  If Cooper doesn't drop a TD bomb last week and we don't fumble twice and miss a field goal, we win going away.  We have to force teams to throw to force turnovers and right now they are staying close (or leading) by playing ball control. 
Stop making mistakes and start opening up the offense a bit and everyone will start talking about how we have finally gotten into our rhythm.
Ken K

From: gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatortalk@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of oli...@bobparks.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:57 AM
To: Gator Talk
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: "Just win"

We're really playing pretty much like we have every season since Meyer has been at UF.
Although we may be a bit more conservative than usual we're doing what we do in the beginning of the season.
By the end, when we get to Alabama, I suspect the offense will gel into the machine it is capable of being. And the defense, there's no worry there. I know, they have a 1 quarter let down. Take that away and they've allowed 3 touchdowns for the season.
As I mentioned earlier, let's let Bammy carry that AP albatross awhile. Maybe we'll loosen up a little more and have the big finish to the season we've come to expect.

Steve is right. The big blowouts are fan generated expectations. Yes, a win is a win. Let's enjoy the ride.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Steve McKibben <augiega...@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 08:28:31 -0700 (PDT)
To: <gatortalk@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: "Just win"

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--- On Wed, 10/21/09, Woody <gatorrr...@gmail.com> wrote:
A win is a win is a win... Ill take em.  But is anyone else getting the impression that that mentality may be setting us back?
The fan base more than the team, IMO
 - We're #1... and so long as we win we're in.  But will that remain true if Bama or whoever shows to be more impressive as the season continues?
If it's only Bama that leapfrogs us (and keep in mind they've only done that in the AP poll so far, which is NOT a component of the BCS poll which selects the participants in the title game), then, if we "just win" out, we'll get to decide the "BCS semi-final" on the field with them. To carry that further, even if we were to drop to #4 in the BCS, a win over a #1 Bama would likely get us back in the top 2. #3 or better at that point and it's win, we're in.
- these problems are not just due to Tebows concussion.. that cannot be an excuse.. he's been on his game.  But the entire game cannot rest on his shoulders.
I'll be interested to see if we run the read option play this week. That's where Tebow puts the ball in the tailback's belly as if he's running a dive play then, depending on his read, can pull it out and run it wide, and possibly pitch it to the trailer. We were killing Kentucky with that pay, and (ostensibly) to protect Tebow, we have not run it since. We were able to gash LSU with the straight dive, but Arkansas schemed to take that away, and we struggled on the ground against them for the most part.
- "just win" because the entire year is going to be a struggle because they are not as good of a team as we thought.  That atleast seems to be true...
And that could be true - especially if the "as good of a team as we thought" part means as good as those hyper inflated "best team ever" expectations.
- "just win" because Addazzio is still getting his feet wet as a OC and is going through a learning curve, hence why we are not very productive.  Maybe he's playin it too safe and doesnt wanna screw up? 
While he's the OC, our plays are scripted called, and reviewed by committee and Meyer has the final say. Not saying the old OL coach doesn't like to give his hosses the opportunity to play smashmouth, but I think if anyone is reigning in the playcalling, it's probably Meyer.
look..I know meyer isnt happy that we arent happy with just accepting a win... i dont think thats what we are up in arms about... Im not so sure thats the case at all... i think everyone of us would accept a win... but I do think this mentality of "just go in and get out with a win" may be the wrong mindset.  I think it also shows that Meyer doesnt have that much confidence in this team or someone that is keeping them from being a dominant figure.
Last year we were very good at not turing the ball over and also very good at taking it away. That gave our offense a lot of short fields (and in many cases defensive scores) that allowed our naturally conservative coaches to loosen up a bit. This year, so far at least, we are minus in the turnover column, and therefore are looking at longer fields in tighter games, so the conservative nature shines through. If we'll start getting some timely turnovers, or more importantly, stop giving them away I think you'll feel a lot better about the scoreboard. 
 Again.. maybe im thinking too far into it all
A long drive after a tight game will do that!
... but right now.. Miss St game is scaring the hell outta me.
Until proven otherwise, the only game on our schedule that I don't think we can possibly lose is FIU. By the same token, despite all of our current watrs, we're capable of, and in fact, SHOULD be able to win all of them!