couretsy gb list

Whenever I read such things, I always thought it happens to others 
and it will never happen to me. But it did.I am writing this after a 
lot of hesitation. It will give me lot of unnecessary publicity. But 
I thought if I do not feel comfortable in the group where else I
can? The purpose of writing is two fold:
a. If someone from the group could provide a workable solution and
b. To caution other members in the group to be extremely careful

Read on..(bit long.. But I have poured my heart out)

Date: Saturday, 28th August
Place. CST(VT)Station
Time: Between 2.00PM and 2.45 PM

Inside the Loo:

I am staying in central suburbs. Saturday being half day I was 
returning home. I felt like peeping in the VT loo. It was 
comparatively empty and I saw an young thing (I get attracted to 
them) standing in one of the last cavity. I went and
placed myself besides him. The moment I went, he started giving me 
response and started showing me his tool. He was telling me to 
handle it by gestures. I did it once and then he told me " Bahar 
jayenge kya?". The moment he opened his mouth I lost interest in him 
(he was sounding like a street smart kid) and went out hurriedly.

On the Platform:

As soon as I came out I did not wait there for a minute also. I ran 
to catch my train at PF.No.3. Someone tapped me from behind and 
asked me " Kahan kam karta hai". I retorted, " Who are you? He 
responded by saying "sab patha chalega..Chup chap chalo.." While 
taking to him one man emerged from the right side and another from 
the left. Two were dressed in cream colour safari and one guy in
jeans and T. shirt. They were looking like cops in plain cloths. 
They were wearing gold bracelets and rings and all of them were 
having mobile phones. I got panicky and I realised I am trapped and 
some how I have to get out. I silently walked with them.

In side the police station:

They took me to the police station just outside the VT station.
(Between the suburban Platforms and the long distance Platforms; 
just opposite to the ticket counters). I was taken to the mezzanine 
floor. No body was there except the three of them and me. One guy 
took a piece of paper and started writing. He asked my name and I 
told the correct name. Another guy started asking all the details 
about me. My name, address (residence/office) my post etc. In the
meantime they asked for my I-card. 

Instead I gave them my visiting card containing my office address, 
phone number, residential address and the phone number. During the 
entire process, I was pleading with them to leave me and promised 
not to repeat what I did. They were telling me that their duty is 
only to catch the culprits and produce them in the Court. They said 
the court will close by 5.00 PM and I have to pay a fine of 

I told them I will pay the amount and pleaded with them to leave me. 
They asked me how I am going to pay. I told them I will go home and 
withdraw the money from the bank through ATM. They told me to call 
someone from my house/friends who can pay the money. I
said no one can come; if some one comes to know about this I will be 
put to shame. They started searching my bag/purse/pockets. They were 
looking for an ATM card. They got my credit card from my purse and 
asked whether it is debit card.

I said I do not normally carry my debt/ATM card. They were looking 
for my Identity card which was very much in my bag but they could 
not lay their hands on that as it was concealed inside my bag. 
Eventhough I had my mobile phone (it was hanging inside my shirt 
they could not find it. After so much threatening,(I ave to spent 
one day in jail / I will loose my job if they inform my office/ my
family will disown me if they come to know this etc)they told me to 
go home and bring Rs.20,000 within 2 hours.(they were asking for 
Rs.25,000 and I said I will come back with Rs.20,000) They told me 
to come back with money and wait near the ticket counter by 5.00 PM.

They said they can see me through the window from where they were 
sitting. They also said that I should not go up and meet them after 
coming back. I asked them for their name they did not tell give. They
said " tum auo jao and kada raho; hum log thum ko phachan lega". I 
was in deep fear. I firmly believed they were cops and whatever they 
were saying was true. I anted to run home withdraw money and throw 
it on their face. 

With that intention, I left the place to return as quickly as 
possible. They have told me to come back in time by 5.00PM. I even 
suggested to them that if one of them could accompany me to my place 
and I will hand over the money to them. Which they refused. They 
threatened me that if do not go back in time they will send a 
warrant to me home.

In the Train:
I was completely nervous. All alone sitting in the compartment was a 
horrid experience. I recollected whatever has happened and started 
thinking about the sequence of events. Slowly things started falling 
in place. During the course of events my brain completely stopped 
functioning and I went through the events like a zombie. In the 
train I tried to analyse the situation… I realised 
1. The guy who was with me was never on the scene. Even though the 
cops mentioned to me that he is being dealt with separately. 

2. I did not see any of the three cops inside the loo as the loo was 
comparatively empty.

3. Inside the police station, they did write some statement but they 
did not take my signature on the paper. (I did not know what they 
wrote; they did not show me.

4. I was wondering what is the charge against me? Is it 377 or 
indecent behaviour in public.

5. They do not have any proof for the incident; unless the guy who 
was with me comes out and confesses; then he also becomes equally 

6. They do not have any of my things except my visiting card. 
Anybody can have my card that does not prove anything.

7. If they are cops why did they leave me? If they are not cops how 
could they take me inside a police station?

8. Sending a warrant to my home is easy or what?

9. They were very careful not to attract any attention in the police 
station. They did not talk to any other cops or they conducted 
everything in a subdued manner.

I was afraid and confused. Wondered what will happen if I do not go 
back to them with money. I thought I should talk to some of my 

Friend in Need: 

I called my friend (G) and told him that I am in trouble and he 
should come and meet me immediately. The time was running out; it 
was already 3.45 PM. He came and we analysed the situation. He said 
it looks like a blackmail scene.Even if they are cops, they cannot 
do anything, as they do not have any proof.

As they are blackmailers they may not be satisfied with Rs.20000 and 
may ask for more and more in future. He told me to be bold and deal 
with the situation. We tried to call Humsafar Trust. After so much 
efforts, we could get the number through a friend; but nobody was 
available. Someone in the Centre told me call them on Monday. My 
friend told me that cops (?)are sure to call my home and ask
for money if I do not go back. At that time I should deny having 
gone to the loo and ask them details about them; their name badge 
number which rank they are etc. If they persist I should tell them I 
would go to the press.

After talking to my friend, I regained my confidence and decided 
that I should not go back. By the time we decided the course of 
action it was already 5.15.PM. I called my house to find out any one 
called. No one had called by that time and I told my folks at home 
not to give my mobile Number to any one if the caller makes such a 


After talking to my friend (he had lot of things to tell me about 
black mailers/cops and his experience) I reached home at 7.00PM. As 
soon as I reached home I gathered from my folks that one Mr. Naik 
called and asked where am I? Whether I had come back from office?.
After that at about 5.30 PM, some other person calling himself as 
Shankaranad asked for me. When he was told that I am not at home, he 
asked for mobile Number. He did not take `No' for an answer and 
persisted with his request. But luckily he was not given my mobile 

I lived in fear thereafter. Whenever the phone rang I got jittery. I 
could not sleep on Saturday night. Luckily on Sunday we all had gone 
out after 11.00AM and returned only at 11.00PM.

Monday the 30th August:

I got up with a start in the morning remembering about the incident. 
How I am going to reach my office through VT. I thought of taking 
leave. But how long I am going to hide? Somehow I pulled myself and 
started for office. I took my usual train and when it reached VT got 
out of the station through back door bridge (near Times of India).
Still not sure what will happen to me. All sorts of thoughts come to 
my mind.

Suppose they come to my house or office how I am going to face them?
If they call me what am I going to tell them? Whether they are going 
to compliant to my office? Are they going to harm me in any way?
I am feeling miserable and totally lost my peace of mind. Feel like 
ending my life.


I request each and everyone of you to pray for me.


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