I am single and into middle age...Till fairly recently I had always believed that married men do not masturbate, till a married heterosexual colleague of mine confided to me [ who is also middle aged]  that he does masturbate sometimes.  This surprised me!!!
I asked this to a doctor friend of mine who referred me to a particular site on the internet where guys of all ages, but married , were asked whether they masturbate...Unlike the usual indian opinion polls etc conducted by India Today et al, the people here had to just punch in their exepriences under full anonymity..
It surprised me so much.
ALL the married men there said that they masturbated REGULARLY and enjoyed masturbating..Some of the reasons given were:
1] It was a quick and convenient way of gratifying one's urges during weekdays, the more elaborate intercourse with wife postponed to the weekend.
2] Wives are not always available for gratification and not all such men run after prostitutes or have extra marital affairs.
3] [ This one surprised me] A few said that masturbating was sometimes more satisfyinfg than intercourse since EVERYTHING was in their control and it could be really wild and raunchy!!!!!!
Also it is a  myth that boys start masturbating only at the onset of puberty .  I don't care if someone calls me abnormal but I remember having masturbated  as far as my living memory goes...ie from when I was as young as 3 1/2 to 4 years old and still I happily masturbate and will masturbate till I have sexual urges.
A male child need not masturbate only at the years of onset of sexual awakening.  The male genitalia are such [ protruding outside the body]  that they are more susceptible to tactile stimulation.
I recently read an Indian sexologist advising a 75+ widower that it will be better if he satisfies his urges by masturbating than frustratingly hankering after young women...
Males by nature are very sexual beings and masturbation is a BOON to the human male..
Again it is harmful only if
1] It becomes obsessive compulsive
2] It physically harms the masturbator by injury etc.
3] A heterosexual man masturbates when his partner  is ready and waiting for intercourse
4] A person gets gratification by masturbating in socially unapproved circumstances like in full view of an objecting audience.
Enough said?!?!?!?
Please make your natural masturbating experiences guilt free, when possible elaborate and enjoyable. Though in my experiences, spacing it out a bit makes the experience more pleasurable........

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