Thanks John,
You are great  and You are 'ME' too  

john haddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's going to be a fascinating couple of days ahead on gay bombay as the usual, the unusual and the downright crazy try to answer in their own terms the potent question "Why am I gay"?

Walnut has led off with a marvellous observation that gays who marry very often have girl babies - (a new paediatric breakthrough discovery; ergo - straights most often have boy babies! Just who is creating all those girl babies then? There must be a HUGE number of married gays in the world, over half of all marriages in fact! - and of course Lesbians mostly have boy babies too.. the nonsense just goes on and on.)

Now the religious have mounted their usual hullaballo, tangling themselves in knots trying to appease their religious beliefs and explain sexuallity. It seems god will agree to any number of bloodthirsty jihads, holy wars, crusades, 'liberations', etc etc, but a man who fucks another just gets on his goat!

The notion of deviant sexuality was designed by religion to harness the powerful notion of sexual human _expression_ for its own ends. 'God' was invented by these self same people (in my opinion) to control the social 'tribe'. In this way it has created 'others' and 'ourselves'. Unbelievers and believers; foreigners and natives; leaders and servants; gays and straights. Apparently we chose to be gay - in Mr Hassan's opinion. None of us knew that we chose. None of us are aware of the day or hour it happened. None of us can remember selecting the choice or in our childhood decrying the option and knowingly making a lustful decision.

It just happened. We woke up one morning in our teens and the dreadful decision had been made!  Meanwhile the straight children the world over had made the 'right' decision and god will bless them will cripplingly large familes they can't feed, poverty, spousal abuse, infidelity, working in stultifying jobs for menial wages to feed the mouths they have brought so justly into the world. That is the sign of a human making the right sexual decision! Duh!

So the religious are determined to make us believe we are errent wicked sinners by inventing more of their usual fantastical explainations for it.
Chaudry's original question remains unanswered....why are we gay?

I have sex with men. The majority of human sexual contact on the planet has a man involved. The majority of humans have sex with men. I am no different than anyone else. I am expressing that great divine thing which has challenged the minds of the dumb and devious for millenia - I am being ME.
I am gay because I am ME.


ammad hassan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi suhail
             don't you think you are taking the easy way out because god made us like that
so we are gay. god  made us but we don't always like how he made us we don't like all lot of things about us and we try to change that so why cant live with those, why we try to change our self, i hope you are getting what i am trying to say.don't you think being gay is a state of mind and we gay because we choose to gay and i has nothing with god  making us this way.
Chaudry's original question remains unanswered....why are we gay?

suhail khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
its a simple answer that god made us gay, and so we are gay. its a simple thing though medically you will find some answers of why we are gay, but its all just science excuse. like same way a boy or a girl can ask why i am a boy or why i am a girl and science will tell all that when x chromosome meets y and all that, but finally was it not god who decided whether x will meet y or some else.
so you are created by god finally and you should be at ease with it and respect his decision.

ah_chaudry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi all
       can anyone answer my question


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