hey indraneel,

ive been there and done nothing! i know how hard it is to love one's straight best friend. oh indraneel i wish i could find some solution to ur depression...but all u can do is let time pass. only time can help....plus i know itd be very very very unkind of me to say this but if ur friends the coz of ur depression plz try and stay away from him if u cant confront him with ur feelings.

my advice might not work...but get urself engrossed and keep those sexual perverts out of ur life.



On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 Indraneel Sengupta wrote :
>Dear Friends,
>        I am a 23 year old Pg student,coming to terms with my sexuality. Well, first of all a big thanx to the moderator for providing a platform where we gay people can speak our minds and exchange our views. Well I am quite a good looking straight acting fellow. I have a good sense of humour which many girls find quite attractive. But lately my life has come to a point where I am finiding it difficult to put on this charade any longer. I am tired of acting like a straight man, and at the same time , am not that brave enough that I will come out of the closet just yet. I am a very social animal and I cant stand being stigmatised by the society. I am in great pain lately, as I have fallen in love with this guy, who thinks of me as his closest buddy. Even his girl friend like me a lot and I cant imagine what will happen if he ever finds out my feelings for him.  You know the most difficult thing to do in life , is to see some one you love, love somebody else. I am very depressed by
>  this and life seems to have come to a point where I dont know what to do next. The only thing that I am findig solace is my work and studies.In order to forget him I have tried dating sevaral guys out here in Kolkata , where I live , but most of them are sex starved creeps who thinks about nothing else than sex through out the day. I will be highly obliged if you can please share your views with me.
>                                                                                  Indraneel.
>  Enjoy this Diwali with Y! India Click here

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