Dear Rayan,
Here is an excerpt from yr mail
"  i grudgingly give credit to people on here who open up their lives for others to learn from.....opening up to become vulnerable to criticism and ridicule is in my opinion a very courageous act."
Thanks for writing this. I hope people rerad it again and appreciate. Once upon a time, i had shared my experience and became the butt of ridicule. I felt hurt. I wanted to help out the people who are under pressure to get married. But there are people who make fun of some very serious issues and peoblems faced by others. Thanks again Rayan, for posing yr point of view.

ryan figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  i think, the more these issues are thrashed out in forum like these, the more resolution is obtained... i think people who write on here, should do so without the fear that there are people out to like "get at them". there are many facets of this issue that only come to light with the lived experience of the people concerned.... it is only when people actually are at liberty to discuss the issues that bother them, that others are able to make more informed choices...
  i grudgingly give credit to people on here who open up their lives for others to learn from.....opening up to become vulnerable to criticism and ridicule is in my opinion a very courageous act.
  lets go easy on them and listen to what they have to say... its the least we can do for people who belong to this community. the bitchiness is all fun when yu are silent spectator... it gets very upsetting tho, when yu are at the receiving end...
  i will continue reading on this group... commenting from time to time.... i think ive learnt from people here more than i have from my personal interactions with other queer folk who ive known. i have learnt that we all live such terribly complex lives and its not always possible to pull out the begining and the end of every string.
  sigining out
Karna Mehta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Dear Salil / Sumeet,

Both of you are missing a vital point.

The value system of a person that he has acquired in life from his parents, the
society he has lived in and the environment. This value system is DIFFERENT for
different person. It is this value system that makes people act differently to a
given situation and be comfortable with their acts.

Gays and marraige is the situation.
Some marry and see nothing wrong with it and adjust with their wife and self.
Others think that it is completely wrong.
Who is to decide what is correct?
To each his own. No point in pushing one's convictions down another's throat.
Results in unnecessary fruitless arguments because each is going to be guided
his value system.

Think it over.
Society will evolve and the issue will be resolved. Till then we can keep

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