*Dear Friends,*

Yet another year has passed by, devoured by the mighty Time into its
astronomical belly out of utter selfishness.

2006 years of history stored in my brain as well as every other person on
earth in a process called conditioning. History is  made by man as well as
tampered by him at every walk of our life.

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* 'We are conditioned - physically, nervously, mentally - by the climate we
live in and the food we eat, by the culture in which we live, by the whole
of our social, religious and economic environment, by our experience, by
education and by family pressures and influences. All these are the factors
which condition us. Our conscious and unconscious responses to all the
challenges of our environment - intellectual, emotional, outward and inward
- all these are the action of conditioning. Language is conditioning; all
thought is the action, the response of conditioning'. ***

*Jiddu Krishnamurti  ***

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I'd been a performer as well as an audience of the nine human emotions '*Nava

'Love, Joy, Wonder, Peace, Anger, Courage, Sadness, Fear and Disgust';

Had Witnessed the Five countenances '*Panchamukams'* of Nature:

Summer, Winter, Rainy, Spring and Autumn;

Had participated in the tableau of life,

of  the 'Births and Deaths' of near and far ones;

Was awestruck by the wrath of Nature's Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Tornados

and which reminds me of my insignificance in this universe*;*

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*Having seen, witnessed, participated, revved, suffered, and ridiculed at
times what life has offered, I now feel that a real revolution is jolting
the kindled souls to find out the true meaning of life. I hope the New Year
will bring inward peace to every one so that we sincerely strive live in
harmony in our microcosm as well as macrocosm.*

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