---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rodnet Croome
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 14:45:50 +0900
Subject: [SPAM] Equality bulletin #66

Equality in 2007, #66

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the first Equality Bulletin for 2007.

This Bulletin has an action alert on the legal recognition of same-sex
relationships in Victoria, and one on homophobia in the Tasmanian town of

Rodney Croome.
0409 010 668

Relationship recognition in Victoria

The Victorian Government has announced that it is seriously considering a
relationship registry similar to that which operates in Tasmania.

I understand this has prompted a letter-writing campaign from opponents of
such a registry.

If you support same-sex couples being able to access and guarantee their
spousal entitlements through a relationship registry, please write to the
Victorian Premier and Attorney-General voicing that support. You may also
wish to write to the Age and Herald Sun newspapers.

I particularly urge Tasmanian same-sex couples who are in registered
relationships to write about your reasons for taking out a Deed of
Relationship, and the benefits that have flowed to you and your families.

This Bulletin began as a way of mustering support for the Tasmanian
relationship registry in 2003. Many mainlanders supported that effort. It's
time for Tasmanians who benefited from that reform to reciprocate.

Below, I have included model letters similar to those circulated by
Melbourne-based Civil Union Action, www.cuaction.blogspot.com

For more on the Tasmanian relationship registry, including its benefits and
how it works, visit www.relationshipstasmania.org.au


Premier Hon Steve Bracks MP
Department of Premier and Cabinet?1 Treasury Place?Melbourne
Attorney-General Hon Rob Hulls MP
Level 26, 121 Exhibition Street?Melbourne 3002

Letters to the Editor
The Age

Letters to the Editor
The Herald Sun
http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/ (then "Opinion", then "Send a letter to
the editor")


I support a relationship registry for Victoria.

Such a registry is necessary to allow same-sex couples and de facto
heterosexual couples to access and guarantee important spousal entitlements
under state law, and to prove their relationship status, if challenged.

A registry also provides couples with an affirmation of their love and
commitment from government, and through it, society.

A relationship registry has operated in Tasmania since 2004. It has brought
many benefits to unmarried couples and their families, and has support
across the political spectrum.

It's time for a similar reform in Victoria.

[Your name, address]

Gay hate in Penguin

This week anti-gay graffiti appeared in the North West Tasmanian town of
Penguin, followed by a promotion for a hoax "gay pride march" tomorrow.

This follows the distribution of gay-hate flyers at the end of February.

This gay-hate campaign has been sparked by community debate over a proposed
residential development by a gay couple living in Penguin, Stephen Roche and
Keith Westerby.

If you concerned about this kind of overt homophobia, please voice that
concern to the Burnie Advocate.

Letters to the Editor
The Advocate

Points you can make about the Penguin gay-hate campaign include that it

- damages the reputation of the North West Coast and Tasmania, which in turn
damages their tourism industries and deters potential immigrants and
- does serious harm to vulnerable gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
people, including young people living in and near Penguin
- has no place in a development debate
- demands a whole-of-community response from civic, religious and business
leaders as well as ordinary community members

If you wish to participate in the community campaign against homophobia in
Penguin please contact Jenny Archer on 0419 361 128.

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